Alot of people are taking a break from destiny and or feed up with the lack of content. We wont hold that against you.
We are looking for a mix of new light players . New guardians as well as grizzled vets who are on be there content or not.
For some people this game is a addiction.
We need both to fill those gaps in between.
That's said this clan is a place for respect.
We Dont Do carry! We will teach Not preach! But if you want a weapon or to get good in pvp . Or learn a raid you have to get good at those things on your own. We will give you the tools and guide you .
We respect people who respect others and there Time.
This is no place for braggards, raid report checkers, AH who inspect every ones load outs before a activity. Like there there fashion police.
You might think you know it all. But there is always room to grow . And there are MANY MAAAAAANY DIFFERENT ways to accomplish a task!
We Dont do something because your favorite streamer said it's the best way.
We are not sheep we are lions . The pride moves as a whole but they move to there own beat. What's meta is not always right.
All we ask is that you log in a few hours a week. If that and put some time in. Build up that clan flag. And when on if you should happen to play with a member of the team. That you show the same respect you would want showen.
To many people in the community are toxic and extremely rude . What we want is for this to be a escape from those kinds of players.
Looking for some one to help build and run a discord and who would be interested in helping bring in new people. And monitoring that. There is slot of from for growth . Here as long as your a quality person and not some D ...........
We participate in the following on a regular basis:
-looking for admins -leaders for
- Strikes
- Nightfalls (regular runs)
- Raids (multiple fire teams)
- Quests/ Adventures
- Public Events/ Patrols
- Crucible
- Trials
Our members tend to have full time jobs so the clan is casual/semi competitive and most active:
Based in California -THe bayarea-but we welcome or international friends.
- Weekdays (All Hours)
- Weekends ( All Hours)
If you can hold a controller, aim and shoot, then thats good enough for us!
We're looking for personality and skill set. We'll help you to reach max light eventually.
Requirements for joining:
- Must be aged 21 and over.
- A positive and friendly attitude (no rage quits).
- A mic for Raids (if you're not very talkative thats fine - but raid communication is vital)
- Be willing to help others on occasion
How to Join:
- Either click link above and apply
- Like this post, post your PS
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