I’ve recently been getting pretty bored with all the games I currently play.
So I went looking through my library to check out some games I haven’t played yet.
It’s up to you guys to convince me what to play, please reply with the reason I should play the game you picked.
Edit: If you have any suggestions for games I don’t have, or don’t have listed. Feel free to recommend them as well, I can’t say I’ll for sure be able to get to them because of money issues right now...but I’ll do my best.
Sea Of Thieeeeeeeeves [spoiler][b]YA-HAR[/b][/spoiler]
Bioshock Collection
I just played The Long Dark. You should definitely play it. It’s a really hard game and you will die a lot.
highly reccomend shadow of mordor if your a lotr fan, just when you beat the 2nd game don't bother grinding to get the final cutscene, look it up on youtube i also highly reccomend nioh 2 ace combat 7 soul calibur 6 code vein
Battlefield 1, its ok, not as many people play it but it still has a following
Editado por pcln3806: 2/5/2021 6:07:55 PMYou should get HK on PC if you can get controller working on there, otherwise for the love of god play on console you do not want keyboard controls for getting the true ending. I would know
RISK OF RAIN 2... or Battlefront II
Hollow Knight because.....well, too many reasons.
Shadow of Mordor while having a barebones story has such a great and innovative gameplay loop that it's in my favourite games of all time. Remove the UI hints for enemies seeing you and it becomes even better as a stealth experience.
I have no experience with any of those aside from Battlefront 2, either version. So I voted for that. Both are good, but there are definitely ways they are each individually better than the other.
Editado por Cultmeister: 2/5/2021 9:01:57 AMJust started Ghost Recon: Wildlands and it’s turning out pretty fun. The first 5 hours of gameplay is free (at least it is on Xbox) so if you’re into open worlds and tactical/stealth combat I’d recommend checking it out. Also, i keep wanting to play Shadow of Mordor but it just looks like a generic action/adventure game with a LOTR skin. Is it actually good?
Terraria with calamity or mod of redemption mod
Go back to BDO and make some Epheria frigates you hippy.
Just the tip...
Control is great
Assassins Creed Odyssey
Hollow Knight is an amazing game and is super fun. I suggest it, and usually I have a pathological hatred of platformers!
Just don't play Battlefront 2. Unless its the og one.
Og battlefront or the new one. If you mean the of one then definitely battlefront.
Black Desert because AAAGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH Graphics are good, music is good, gameplay is good, you're catching my drift, it's good.
Editado por o_____________o: 2/4/2021 8:33:33 PMOf those choices, go with Hollow Knight. It's great, but few games have caused me to rage as much as it has.
Hollow Knight, the Ori games, Hades, Terraria, Dark Souls 1-3, Nier Automata, etc.
I don’t think I’ve played most of those
Hollow knight
All of them are pretty good.