i was all for the dcv, untill today, dont bother, remove cosmodrome
".....we don’t have any active plans to add more to the Cosmodrome than what is..... "
the sentence that killed all hope for me in the dcv.
so why you gonna just not bring in venus with vog?
is it going to be just the one patrol zone and the raid?
when you said it was coming in later, we all expected something more to be happening in these zones.
one can super easily get out of bounds in the 1 new area in the patroll zone, because you for got to make the water kill you, its a solid surface you can run on and by back tracking you can get under the area and into the strike area. but thats not all, you can see un deleted assets from an old dark below mission that was there. you can even still see there is still cave bats flying around.
you didnt even try. this twab was the breaks to a great seasons start. people that wanted the cosmodrome, are mad at this, and the people you tried to please, are still mad. good job.
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