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Destiny 2

Discusión sobre Destiny 2
4/23/2021 3:13:46 AM

Dear Destiny: about our relationship

Dear Destiny, For the past 6-8 years, I've been enthralled with you. I saw you across the room in a party in 2013 with that a**hole Activision. You two were an item, but I couldn't help but look at you. You were shining....radiant. I wanted to talk to you. I found myself looking over at you constantly. You must have seen me looking. When Activision went over to the bar, You smiled confidently, waving me over out of the throng of other gamers. I basically sprinted across the room. You were an attractive, polished shooter, commanding my immediate attention. Needless to say I was immediately attracted to you and anything related to you. You whispered to me about your your experiences and the places you planned to go. I listened with rapt attention, not wanting to intterupt you for fear you may take offense and leave. I was so shocked when you suddenly said you had to go anyway, citing "personal development" reasons. Had I said...or thought something you didn't like? I was so confused.  I remember wanting to drop everything and come with you, wanted to follow a game I had just met to the ends of the earth. Activision was coming back from the bar, so maybe that was why. I furiously scribbled my number down on a torn piece of paper and pressed it into your hands.  You looked at me and smiled, telling me you'd call...and I believed you. Yoy an Activision left the party and I was alone. I waited for that one call, seemingly for years. I almost gave up hope that you would call me back until...suddenly you did. I was so excited and relieved that I nearly shouted!  You were still with Activision wanted something on the side. I didn't even care. Our time together has been...amazing to be sure. You've delivered the smoothest playing FPS in video gaming history (don't @ me), games so crisp in their gunplay that others wanted to be like you. You pioneered so many systems and UI elements that other shooters still emulate you today.  Your name is in the mouth of every developer trying to get into their own "long term relationship". Your world design has always been  sublime, with backdrops and sky boxes so curvy you can't help but trun heads when we walked down the street. Your Audio is amazing, your sensual voice of gunfire, explosions, and battle cries mingling with your soundtrack setting the tone for our intimate moments. I still get chills when you sing the Crota swordbearer theme. Hell, I still remember the song I sang when you bought me my first Gjallarhorn (thanks by the way). But despite the wonderful shooting experience, awesome art direction, and orgasmic audio mixing, there have always been...issues....with our relationship. Small problems that have piled up over time, like dirty laundry in the corner of a room waiting to be washed. Issues that alone wouldn't cripple a relationship, but left unchecked, unspoken....can lead to dissention. You've never been very open. I feel like after our first conversation, you'd said all you felt you needed to say. I constantly try to talk to you, get you to open up about your past, but you're....guarded. Like what you might say could hurt or offend me, or like I wouldn't listen or care. you know? Care? I do. And I will listen if you would just talk to me. Maybe it has to do with the way Activision treated you. When I get despondent from your lack of communication, you promise me you're listening. You hear me. You promise you'll change. But you never do. And I never learn this. Oftentimes when you do's more to yell at me than to have a conversation. You scream at me that things are going to be a certain way. There's no debate no....discussion. Just loud words thrown at me with compliance being the only option. I won't lie...sometimes I like it. I love when a game....takes charge. But sometimes I'd rather have a discussion instead of a lecture on why shades need to be consumables. I like it rough, but sometimes you pretend not to hear my safe word...and that's NOT OK. But I keep coming back.... You constantly change things in my apartment without telling me. When I confront you you get standoffish. I know you're names on the lease...but we live together you know? I pay rent here too but I'm not allowed to change anything or get attached to any of the furniture. This is supposed to be a shared space. But my opinion is only considered when you change something and hurt me so bad that I won't speak to you anymore. Then it's nice soft, cajoling words to make me feel better and ease my concerns. I forgive you... I still remember the first time you hit me. I was so shocked...I thought I had imagined it. We had had a particularly loud argument about your lack of reciprocity in our relationship. I had finally had enough...and so had you. You would not be questioned. Not by a player. I don't remember seeing you move, but I remember the pain. I remember seeing stares, sprawled on my back with you standing over me, hands balled into fists. I was not so speak to you in such a manner again. Looking back, I can't help but feel like I pushed you too far. Maybe I deserved this. Maybe I was the problem. I deserved it...? 2017 was rough for us. You were abusive and neglectful, and I had had enough. You weren't listening to me. You went back on promises. You fell in with that terrible girl Tess Everis and you two have been an inseparable nightmare. You her and Activision were terrible together. You hit me again...and again...and again... I walked away from you, finally seeing your true colors. You tried to get me to stay but it was too late. I saw what you were. A wolf in sheep's clothing, baiting me in with false promises. Someone who would always hurt me. I ran. For a time, I was free...ifa little sad at first. I finally saw all the other games I had been missing. I dated. Hell, that's a lie. I f**cked. I jumped on any game that would have me. Shooters, looters, RPGs, Racing, hell, there might have been a point and click in there. As far as I was concerned I was back on the market. I realized that so many games had come out that I never played because I was with you. I frantically played any game I came across, almost like a compulsion. I didn't stay monogamous to any one of them, loving from game to game before I'd finished any of them. I got what I wanted and left. I could never play anything without missing you. I could never feel for another game like I felt for you. It hurt. I felt...trapped. Like a bird in a cage watching other birds soar free outside. There was a Destiny shaped game hole in my heart, and try as I might, I couldn't fill it with anyone else. I crawled back to you in 2018. For better or for worse, we fell in step like nothing had ever changed. Finally. In 2019, you broke it off with Activision. They had pushed you too far, making you do things you felt uncomfortable with (I know the feeling). They treated you like a tool for profit instead of the beautiful game that you were. I Was giddy when you told me we made our own fate. I was ecstatic to truly start our relationship. You promised me that things would be better. No more abuse. Better communication. No more lies. No sudden changes. No. XP throttling. You promised. .....have I heard these things before? the most part, you've kept up your end of the deal. You're a better game. When I talk, you listen. You may take a while to take my feedback into account, but you at least let me know that you've heard me. But you've changed over the years. It like you never feel comfortable as you are. I tell you you're beautiful but you keep changing, as if you're trying to please the whole world at once. I'm trying to be supportive. Hell, when you told me you wanted to go free to play I even agreed to the open relationship. It's been....strained, to be sure. but I understand. It's tough to have just one player I suppose. You are amazing, and I'm not enough alone to hold your attention. You need more. But please, Destiny. I've been there for you. I've sacrificed for you. Please don't hurt me again....or... Or please just don't hurt me. Why do you hurt me anyways? I love you...I'm sorry! Look I'm sorry. It's my fault. .. .look let's just stop this fighting OK? Let's stop all this and go back to normal again. Please? I love you. Let's just forget everything I said. I love you. Don't leave me. TLDR: Bungie pls fix transmog :p

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