tl;dr: Solstice of Hero's event had too many objectives removed making the content feeling lacking and unrewarding both in-game and with merch.
I normally don't complain to much when it comes to free seasonal content in a game, but it seems to me that this year the changes to SoH are less compelling to try and get both digitally and physically. With the Beyond Light Expansion a ton of content was vaulted to make it easier for Bungie to develop without too much bloat in the game. With that in my minds eye I look at this content and feel that it has no value because the past 3 years the rewards felt like they meant something.
The first thing that I see that is missing is the Title, (ie. MMXIX or MMXX) which with that you had to accomplish somewhere around 24 triumphs to get. Plus the triumphs this year there are only 6 to accomplish thus not really justifying a title to go with it.
Second is in regards to merch and the SoH t-shirt. Every year that I have purchased the shirt you have been able to add your gamer tag to it. Yes it did add a little more for the cost to the order but it made it yours. With that not as an option this year has deflated my interest in getting that merchandise.
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