I attempted to do 24 hour completion of vog with my friends and I picked it up as we got wiped, I've collected the other crystals already but that one is still missing. I picked it up during the 24 hour of vog... So did I just soft lock it? and from what I've checked of the crystal numbers I'm pretty sure that's crystal 9.
Editado por EckyThump: 8/6/2021 8:43:54 PMIf I'm remembering correctly, crystal 9 (referring to the order in which they appear on the triumph) is the one that's closer to where you drop down into the Gorgon's Lair, closer than the one that ticks off the 8th, which is near to the exit point. I'm pretty sure the location you are showing actually corresponds to the 8th crystal from the triumph. Lots of guides will label them the other way around because of this. Would you mind checking this place, also in the Gorgon's Lair? https://youtu.be/5qZLfVgWNh8?t=190