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Discusión sobre Destiny 2
8/24/2021 3:41:15 AM

End of Season Feedback: Season of the Splicer

Normally I would do these things a bit before the final hours of the season's end, but some real life stuff got in the way so here it is now. Anyone is free to agree or disagree with this feedback regarding the season; I only ask you guys to be civil and/or constructive. Anyways, here's my feedback on how the season was so far. They will be left in spoilers so you can focus on what you want to read a bit better: [u]Story:[/u] [spoiler]Tbh, out of all of the seasonal stories, this is probably the third best we've had thus far, only behind Chosen and Arrivals respectively. It was really nice to see Mithrax finally appear again since Y1, as well as the lore regarding House Light, Eliksni culture, Smallen, etc. One of my favorite tidbits from this season was how Ether is effectively growth hormones and how Captains are the proper size for Eliksni (even though this was kinda implied already). I also enjoyed Saint's character growth, moving beyond his PTSD and hatred of the old houses and welcoming House Light after getting to know them, though I do feel like Saint's epiphany could've been a bit slower. Regardless, it was handled pretty well overall despite the nitpicks. I also enjoy Lakshmi being the foil to Saint in this case, as she couldn't let go of her xenophobia (not that it wasn't entirely justified) and it ends up destroying her in her attempt to drive the Eliksni out. I'll speak more of the factions as a whole later on. One of the only real disappointments of the story was that the concept of Sacred Splicers was pulled out of thin air. Unless I'm missing something, there was little, if any, buildup to them and thus felt like nothing more than a MacGuffin. Another pain point was the final cutscene, in which Mithrax and -especially- Saint couldn't hold off no more than a few dozen Vex. Saint in particular could have easily dismantled them or protected the Eliksni with a Banner Shield, or even bring everything full circle by creating a large Ward of Dawn to [i]protect[/i] them. It's also unusual how Ikora could use a Slova Bomb right in front of both of Saint and Mithrax without either of them suffering any injury from being in the blast radius. Does a Nova Bomb behave like a Spirit Bomb or something? Regardless though, the story was pretty well done save for some pain points here and there. Anything I didn't cover here may be explained further on, such as Quria.[/spoiler] [u]Exotics:[/u] [spoiler]The exotics this season were a mixed bag. The exotic armor this season is pretty good even with the Hunter and Warlock ones getting nerfed early on. Titans got Stasis resistance (only for Stasis itself to get nerfed) and Solar buffs with their boots, Hunters can amp up their Supers by eating orbs of power, and Warlocks can play around with Noble Rounds using their rifts (which I enjoy that it synergizes with Lumina too). On the other hand, the exotic weapons this season were rather disappointing/underwhelming. Cryothesia 77k, while neat in concept, felt very underwhelming in that it eats the whole mag for its Stasis shot and is also given the worst sidearm archetype to boot; the catalyst helps alleviate that a bit, but not by much. That isn't to say it's -completely- useless, as I can see it being used to freeze beefier targets in place for a moment in PvE, or to briefly stun a player in PvP, but I don't know if it is a game changer worth making a loadout around. I feel that it was intentionally made this way to avoid being too powerful in PvP, which is understandable, so I would recommend just changing the weapon's archetype to something better rather than buffing its exotic perks/catalyst. That is, if infinite primary ammo isn't enough to make it viable from now on. Vex Mythoclast is also disappointing, and true to its name of being a myth to some, but since it was already going to get a massive buff I don't see as much of a reason to really say much about its performance. What I will say is that I like the new concept it was given compared to its D1 version and hope to see how good the buffs make it (hopefully not to the point of needing to nerf it shortly after). [/spoiler] [u]Umbral system:[/u] [spoiler]Better than what it was last season but I would still argue being inferior to its Arrivals version. I suggest expanding the Tier III weekly cap, changing it to a daily cap, outright removing it altogether, or allow Tier III's to be more accessible in general. I would also love for this to finally be put in place at least with the Tower vendors, specifically Saladin due to IB's gradually growing loot pool.[/spoiler] [u]Factions:[/u] [spoiler]Personally, I like that factions are done with as they served their purpose best back during D1 and kinda felt like leftovers ever since. Sure, they could've behaved exactly the same as they did in D1, but then they don't get room to grow (or now, decay). That said, their grand exit could've been handled better, as just hearing of them leave after the events of the last Override was rather anticlimactic. It was also very unusual for New Monarchy to be taken in by Dead Orbit considering their mutual friction. On the plus side, at least Dead Orbit finally got what they wanted so at least one of the factions was happy, I guess. Even though the factions are now gone though, I would really like to see their story go on a bit longer, such as reintroducing Lysander and the Concordat, showing the consequences of them leaving the Consensus and how the City -and Vanguard- handles it, or perhaps both.[/spoiler] [u]Override and Expunge:[/u] [spoiler]Override was alright. Nothing particularly bad about it, but nothing that really stood out about it either. It's no Sundial, Battlegrounds, or Contact, but it was better than Seraph Towers, Wrathborn Hunts, and arguably Vex Offensive too. Expunge was a little bit better since you could get Tier III seasonal gear from the Corrupted versions, but other than that they were just kinda there, and once you unlocked Expunge: Tartarus you could just speedrun your three runs for the week and ignore it afterwards. It was really cool seeing the inside of the Vex network though, and I hope this means the Vex see us as an ever increasing threat even if the units that caused the Endless Night were subjugated by Quria. Speaking of Quria, the boss fight was interesting too as far as most non-raid fights go, but Quria just felt too easy of an enemy to simply off in a season. I really hope this isn't the last we see it, because to give it the Nokris treatment after so much buildup would be really disappointing.[/spoiler] There's some more stuff I wanted to discuss, but at the time of making this I'm half asleep so I will likely come back and finish this up either in the OP or with an addendum. In the meantime, feel free to share your own opinions of the season or of the thread. Again, all I really ask is that responses are constructive and/or civil.

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  • STORY - Was good, but I'm not a lore man anyway. Exotic Weapons - Were crapola and we only had 2 to chase for the whole season. Exotic Armour - Was MEH and still using my masterworked armour from Arrivals. Umbral System - Was lacking. Season of Arrivals umbral system was the one they should have used. Factions - Never cared about factions, so next.... Override and Expunge - Was worse than Season of the Hunt and even more boring. Myself I give this season about 2/10. Just enough to keep you grinding, but nothing spectacular! DLC wise Beyond Hope was 10 steps backwards from Shallowkeep and 1000 steps backwards from Forsaken. Why do I still play it you ask? Gun Play and Mechanics are unmatched by any other game and my clan is freaking awesome! That's all there's left in Destiny 2 for me since Forsaken.

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    2 Respuestas
    • How can you say nothing particularly bad about Override? Does nobody care about a bloody map rotation? Like seriously, you're going to get Bungie to do this garbage all over again. One single map for an entire week at a time is flat out trash. How the hell doesn't anybody care about this? Do you think it's fun to play 1 map over and over for a week, instead of having all the Overrides in a rotation when we play it? Override was terrible.

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    • About the splicers specifically, didnt bungie expanded on them a bit in rise of iron? Or you talking about the sacred part specifically?

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      4 Respuestas
      • umbrals: remove the cap completely. with how much you have to play override/expunge to get the mats to have to decode them, a cap isn't necessary.

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      • 1
        The sidearm isn't the worst in pvp if used well, but it definitely needs a tiny push.

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      • You're right about the final scene not being that good at all. A 7 year old could have generated a better story board that what we got. How they finished off the factions was stupid. I have talked about it at length in other threads, but they basically used one person to represent what they (vanguard/bungo) say is bad while breaking their own rules because they say they have right think. There is a lot more to it than that. But, you're right, no build up, other factions just bounce in lore. Could have been more, which is honestly the true story of Destiny.

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