I like using Merciless daily, so I know a good deal about how it feels. At the start of the season I noticed that it immediately felt different and over worse than last season. After watching the youtuber ninjy's video titled "MERCILESS vs TEMPLAR (Season of the Lost)," the gun looked to be in a very terrible state even with Particle Deconstruction. Since then I thought about what change could make Merciless feel better in the game while still feeling like Merciless.
Merciless currently can not compete with heavy weapons at the moment, so I propose that it's purpose gets shifted over a bit. I think conserve momentum should not reset after the player gets a kill, but I do think it should still reset after a reload. Also the Impetus perk should proc after a kill, like rampage, so you can keep the decreased charge time till the end of the mag. These changes would change Merciless from a boss damage gun, which it can't compete in due to the heavy weapons, to a weapon that can slay adds, major, and burst down champions.
(Linked to the post is ninjy's youtube video that I was talking about)
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