Hello guardians and bungie!
I'm a Korean user playing Destiny Guardians.
Destiny Guardians is a really fun game, and for me, it's a grateful game that made really precious memories.
First of all, I would like to express my great gratitude to the developers of Bungie for making such a great game.
However, I am a Korean with a designated Male At Birth and am responsible for the duty of national defense under the Constitution of Korea.
Accordingly, on October 12 this year, I will leave my home and live in the military unit for about a year and a half.
It is not a big problem to fulfill the obligations of national defense.
But I think the Transgender awareness week that Bungie talked about in Bungie news could be a problem for me.
I am an MTF transgender who has been undergoing hormone replacement therapy for more than two years. The reason why I write this is not just because of the rarity or desire to collect emblem. The meaning that Bungie created in commemoration of Transgender Awares Week came to me very grateful and important.
If I join the military on October 12 as scheduled, it will be difficult to access the game to Transgender Awares Week scheduled for November.
So what I'm curious about is whether there will be another such event next year or the year after that.
If i need to proof, i can send a psychiatric diagnosis and notice of enlistment to bungie.
I'm sorry for my poor English.
And thank you for reading the long story.
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