Welcome to low Blood Sugr we ask you don't forget the OJ.
Our goal is to create a fun environment for new/returning/Seasoned players to come to.
For the new players we want to help you learn the game and the mechanics that come with it so that you can teach the next set of new players who come along and be able to fully enjoy what the game has to offer.
Most of us are xbox and a few steam players we do have a discord set up for voice chat in the event that game chat does not work.
We run all types of content PVP and PVE.
I run weekly VOG raids for all 3 characters and would like to not do LFG anymore to fill in the gaps
Rules of the clan are
Join the discord
Be active
Have fun
Zero tolerance for any type of toxicity.
We hope you come and join us sit back and have some fun when you join the discord you will get the clan invite. https://discord.gg/eZqGpFc8Gs
Como moderador, puedes vetar inmediatamente a este usuario para que no pueda enviar mensajes (saltándote la cola de denuncias) si seleccionas un castigo.
Veto de 7 días
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