Optimacy Hunter Leg Ornament Displays a Genital Line When Used With a Feminine Character.
[b]I don't know if stuff like this is allowed on the forum, but since it may be a bug I'm sure it's within the rules.[/b]
Pretty much the title, though I do have some additional information about this problem:
- This appears to only happen with a feminine character and when using the Amaranth Atrocity shader.
- I discovered this when looking at a screenshot that my friend took of his Hunter using the Optimacy Ornament for Hunter leg armor and that specific shader.
- I do not own the Optimacy set so I cannot test this on my own character, but I can say that this does not happen when previewing the set in Eververse or on a masculine Hunter.
This bug is extremely strange and I don't know if it's something to do with the shader or if it's the Ornament itself. What's even worse is it isn't happening, at least from what I can tell, on a Masculine character, making me question if this is even a bug. Now I'm not gonna go and automatically assume that this was on purpose, but if it was... Not cool.
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