Hey so I had a few suggestions for the ranking system in glory in crucible, The system is overall pretty solid. However, I find that the way that you always lose rank on a loss is a bad feature. What I mean by this is for example, in freelance Glory when a teammate disconnects and 2 people are left to fight a 2v3, which is just unfair. I think that in a case like that, no rank should be lost for the loosing team. Another example is when a player on the loosing team outperforms everyone or almost everyone in the game, they also shouldn't loose as much, if any rank. This system is kind of unfair, especially for a player like me that often solo queue's freelance glory. I find that I somewhat often outperform my teammates and the other team but still loose due to bad teammates or a teammate disconnecting. I think a better fix would be for players to not loose rank if they continue to play the game after a teammate disconnects. as well as a decrease in rank loss for those on the loosing team that noticeably outperform the other team and are obviously weighed down by the skill of their fill teammates.
Once again I suggest these improvements for the better of the crucible players in general. With that said feel free to discuss and share your opinions on this topic.
That's all from me, Have a Good one.
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