Hello guardians my name is starkiller1237
In the beginning when we were resurrected to become guardians, we answered the call we fought hive gods, killed Kells, and defeated the cabal champions. There is no denying that all guardians have accomplished things in this Galaxy but even fewer became legends. Even fewer stepped into the deep participated in day one raids, speed runs, and flawless Dungeons and raids. There is nothing wrong with being a Sherpa, but wouldn't it be nice to have a place for the best of the best to congregate? a place that if you put in a request for grandmaster nightfalls or complete challenges in raids it wouldn't just go to crickets?
Well, I have created a place for these Guardians, we have no banner to hold nor colors to fly. It is just a place for the Guardians to share strategies, submit mission requests such as nightfalls and raids. A place for the mature so if you think you fit the criteria, please message me to see if you have what it takes to join.
hangar 87
(not a clan just a discord server, we do have a clan but you don't need to join it to join this discord if you qualify. it seems like every guardian is already in a clan so i thought why not make a discord?)
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