The Fall of Oryx End-Game Clan is Now Recruiting! [Cross-Platform] - [Friendly] - [Sherpas Wanted] - [No End-Game Experience Req'd!]
[url=]The Fall of Oryx[/url] is now recruiting new members! We are [b]a PvE End-Game focused clan[/b] that accepts all guardians [b]regardless of experience[/b] - yes this means that even those who have never raided in their destiny career (but are wanting to start) are also welcome.
We enjoy being part of the "non-toxic" culture within Destiny as "KWTD" (Know What to Do) [b]does not exist here[/b]. When we create posts within [url=]our [b]public[/b] Discord server[/url], anyone - regardless of experience - is encouraged to join in on raids, GMs, and other end-game content. We feel that when taking inexperienced guardians through end game content that we help the overall community become stronger. Our members are knowledgeable and willing to assist anyone that asks for it.
We are [b]also seeking Sherpas[/b] to help build our foundation to run more sherpa-oriented raids. Many of us here enjoy taking some extra time to go out and help sherpa LFGs. [url=]Our Discord server[/url] even has a specialized role to showcase our sherpa volunteers for those who qualify to hold the title.
[url=]Discord[/url] [b]is a requirement[/b] to join our clan. We [i]did have a recruitment post from before that stated it was optional[/i], but have found that this segregates our clan too much. Even though this is a cross-platform clan, the ability to join Discord voice chat is highly preferable as this is where most of our game comms will be utilized in [i](which we understandably know that this can be difficult for console players - but some have made it work out quite well for them)[/i]. However, we also occassionally perform Guided Games raids (we've done two so far this season) - so if you wish to participate in those you should also be willing to use game chat, but GG participation is NOT a clan requirement. On top of GG raids, we do seek to perform Sherpa runs from time to time, but those will mostly be in Discord VC.
I personally main on PC with the occassional Xbox play. I am personally willing to join Xbox Party chats (even on PC) as an execption to Discord, but not all are. So please keep this in mind that some are willing to use XBL party chats for those XB players, but not always.
Time zones of this clan varies, but we are trying to target the 'weekday adult worker' where active times will start roughly 5-6pm Eastern (2-3pm Pacific). A good portion of us are what I would call "night owls" (including myself) and are active during late night hours as well (generally 10pm - 4am Eastern) which should work out nicely for those in the PT time zone. Weekends can vary significantly due to personal life but expect mostly US time mid-day to very late night activity.
With all that being said, there are very few expectations here. We do not require members to be active daily, although many are. We run multiple raids throughout the week, some with only clan members, some without. We will run with and without challenges, new and old raids (we all love some VoG though). We highly anticipate much raiding of the weekly raid rotations that are expected next season.
We have made many improvements to our Discord server that has been central to clan participation and raiding. The Charlemagne bot is present to encourage clan participation in the bot's G.A.M.E clan leaderboards, as well as will automatically assign you fun roles to show off your raiding experience. The leaderboards are just for fun and helps build our clan's involvement with each other - even for non-end game content such as running missions, crucible, or other events together.
I know this was a long read - but choosing the right clan for you is important and it's difficult to squeeze in those fine details in a few sentences. If you feel that we are right up your ally by being the friendly end-game, non-toxic, all-inclusive clan, then feel free to let us know. You can even join [url=]our Discord server[/url] to get a feel of things if you'd like - our server is open to everyone, regardless of clan status.
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