Rift needs better changes, Iron Banner needs bounties, and players need an actual incentive to play
Looks like they fixed the XP bug now ranking up had become wayyy easier
Editado por TheShadow: 6/3/2022 1:09:26 PMBungie doesn't know what the word incentive actually means, and I'm not telling a joke either. How the hell do you work on a game since 2007 and not know? [b](Almost everything)[/b] in the game when it comes to bounties, mods, engrams, and loot has either been this lame crap with their RNG dropping hundreds and thousands of duplicates, or it's just recycled crap from IB, all the tower vendors, the shop, activities, open-world drops, etc... Bungie is a lazy developer, that is uncreative that even their seasons are basically a copy and paste work with the copy and paste prosses. WTF is the motivation, inspiration, and creativity in this game, wanting to create that incentive because 99.99% of this game is just padded playtime, and they call that creating a "quality type of game". The sad thing is most of you have been conditioned to accept this lazy development.
Bounties are hella boring and should be removed from the game
Instead of fixing one bounty like everyone asked for they just removed the bounties in general, think about that. I guess that's the solution nowadays.
At least you had the decency to apologise. Very big of you 👍
People moan about the bounty simulator so they remove bounties for the mode and people moan about that.
Bounties WERE a good idea but in true Bungo fashion they whiffed an easy win. If they were reasonable bounties sure. But not “ability kills” after neutering abilities. Not “get assisted kills” like you need someone holding your hand to win a gun fight. And certainly not “more progress for enemies higher light than you” smh. Incentivizing handicapping yourself while simultaneously advertising that you should be at your strongest while playing. We’re how many years in and they still don’t know what they’re doing?
Yea that rank XP bug wasn't a bug I bet they intentionally shipped it like that and we're hoping nobody complained and that 13 sec spawn time is complete -blam!-
Lol wait, we're asking for bounties now? Have I entered the twilight zone???
Please when you make this kind of post, make sure to have some ideas as to how they can make an incentive for people, otherwise they might go back to their bullshit forcing people to play PvP to be able to complete a catalyst mission, it's pure torture for those who don't like or want to play PvP.
It’s an actually fun competitive game mode in Destiny. That’s all the incentive I need. One game mode comes in that isn’t mindless TDM and everyone loses their minds. And other than the numerous bugs and bad matchmaking, this game mode is actually done right. For the first time ever Bungie have done something positive for Crucible and all the mindless apes are crying about it.
Teamwork will win you matches.
I kinda like the no bounties stuff. My main issue with pvp is special weapons still dominate the entire match. I can use the shotgun and spawn to 3-5 special ammo bricks. And if you run with a entire squad using special weapons it gets really bad. The amount of ammo I find instantly is wayyyyy too op
Agreed bounties are huge loss and ive yet to get new smg or fusion to even drop from engram swear drop rates in general been nerfed especially deepsight and now cant even unlock deepsight guns 170 kills zero percent artifice armor still not fixed either and if any mode needed overhaul or replaced its trials
As I saw someone else mention in their own post. Bungie disabled the power advantage to make IB more friendly to lower power players. But I find it hilarious that they force those players into an objective based mode that requires good teamwork. Leading to 5-0 game after 5-0 game for a lot of people. If they don’t make the changes needed to rift they should at least give us the option for control IB on the next one.
The daily challenge system is literally the only thing they did right with Iron Banner this season.
No bounties.