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Discusión sobre Destiny 2
7/13/2022 1:43:34 AM

Lobby Balancing Nonexistent

I'm so sick and tired of getting bots for teammates and the game expecting me to carry them. Balance the lobbies properly and stop giving me bots for teammates and tryhards for enemies. Surely your MM can't be this dead that it's impossible to do. Make the bots fight other bots and tryhards fight tryhards.

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  • Just quit. Like literally that’s what everyone needs to do. If everyone quits games to the point bungie can’t keep 12 players in a match even 10% of the time they will do something. Quitting is the most powerful weapon we the players have. If the worse player on the enemy team is better than the 2nd best player on ur team why are u trying. If u start the game and the first min they got a power play leave the game. Seriously quit matches. Like everyone needs to do this.

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    2 Respuestas
    • Yepp tried to do some comp to mess around with blink on my lock n have fun with the new fusion. Virtually every game was me having to kill 20+ while my teammates were constantly dead diving in with 0 team work n lucky to have 4 kills each all while burning through our revives. This was in free lance and somehow this trash can match making still stuck me with 2 awful new players vs 3 try hards. If it chooses 6 players and 2 of them are absolute trash I don't see how or why they end up on the same team. This is the supposed sbmm Playlist too which makes it even funnier.

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      • It's all random. MM is random. Literally makes no sense at all. The number of times a team of beginners is matched against guys with millions of kills in crucible, blows my mind.

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      • This happened when they introduced CBMM. The matches are completely unbalanced now. Numbers of players playing crucible dropping fast. Not only trials. In my opinion Bungie should ignore the sweats looking for easy matches and instead look for a way to make it fun and challenging for everyone without making it feel impossible. At least you will keep a player base actually willing to play crucible. Unfortunate for the players who do carries or sweats looking for easy matches to boost their ego in the form of stats but I think Bungie should go this way.

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        5 Respuestas
        • Editado por livin like larry: 7/15/2022 3:43:09 PM
          Bungie matchmaking pov: Says it’s cbmm but every game there is at least 1 mf who has the new latency subclass teleporting and tanking damage Forces 1 good player to carry 5 dregs against 6 average to above average players Matches you with people across the globe Puts you on the same map 3 times or more in a row You load in to a match in progress and get supered over and over again

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        • Dude I think crucible is rigged tbh.

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        • Matching flawless player vs new light player, what a good match will be right? Right?!

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        • YOU MUST SUFFER! least the streamers get easy matches. Remember when the [b]LA Lakers[/b] played the people from your [b]neighborhood[/b] bball pickup game? So exciting and fun...NOT...but that's d2 pvp now. Matchmaking for the influencers to appear "highly skilled".

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          15 Respuestas
          • Thats because all the tryhards cried for SBMM to be removed without thinking it through to its logical conclusion. Kids, be careful what you ask for because you just might get it.

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            9 Respuestas
            • Well for that to happen there would need to be sbmm. Since the lobby can’t be balanced if the matchmaking system can’t read player stats.

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              3 Respuestas
              • Do like me and build a team on lfg . I've kept a 14.7kda with over 30k kills this season alone . Just post control stacked and if you find that boring just go with a 2 or 3 man to make it more challenging. I hope this helps . However you're right going in solo you can drop a 65-0(been there) and still lose it's quite sad honestly.

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                3 Respuestas
                • Editado por wolbeas: 7/14/2022 7:18:24 AM
                  I know its kinda outside of the OPs topic but I find it very funny to observe that. When the same thing is posted by low KD player, people just flood the post with the reply "low KD, shut up"... But when high KD player makes the same post, those same people are no where to be found 😂 It's like their target is shut people down, not debate the issue on hand. When they can't shut it down with stats stalking, they don't even bother show up 😏 Maybe they are late to the party 🍿

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                  • [quote]Make the bots fight other bots and tryhards fight tryhards.[/quote] bring back SBMM? YES PLEASE!

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                  • literally this

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                  • 0
                    If you’re solo que…..that is lobby balancing if you are a good player. You get the trash cans. Just gotta get used to it like the rest of us. Or just don’t solo que.

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                  • Editado por A_mo: 7/14/2022 9:21:40 PM
                    The important question is... is the gameplay quality good? The game can put me in all the unbalanced lobbies it wants if the gameplay quality is excellent. Unbalanced lobbies while still having k/d molding is another story though.

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                    5 Respuestas
                    • Just got done solo freelance to Legend in comp. And yes this needs some attention. I've had too many games where I've got to go against 3 competent players and I'm stuck with a guy that's got blue gear on. It's super far out of wack

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                      5 Respuestas
                      • Editado por Rogue: 7/14/2022 4:44:34 AM
                        The way it works, from what I’ve observed. The game separates people into 2 categories. > 1.0KD and < 1.0KD Everyone above is treated as = And everyone below is treated as = So a 1.0 player is suppose to be the same as a 2.5 or 3.0. It’s stupid.

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                      • These guys can’t balance 💩! There is no fix. If there is one, they would have done it already! But they can’t, because there isn’t one!😂😂😂 They can’t fix this mess anymore!😂😂😂 They will ride this pile of mess until it dies or until they’re done with it. But they can’t fix it!😂😂😂 If they can, they would have done it years ago! 😂😂😂 State of the game!

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                        2 Respuestas
                        • It’s not even a once in awhile thing anymore, it currently feels like the system goes out of its way to purposefully matchmake like that

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                          4 Respuestas
                          • I played a game the other day where everyone on my team was 1.5k.d.-4k.d. and all Flawless seals and Unbroken. Versus a team where every single person had a negative K.D. No one on my team died and I couldn't find kills cause everyone was always dead. It was insane.

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                            2 Respuestas
                            • Its not just the matchmaking that needs to be addressed its also the cross play lag that needs sorting. Lag has always been an issue in PvP but since cross play was put in its got worse due to teleporting bullet sponges on both sides of the coin Xbox and PsN. Cross play should never be an opt out thing it should have been opt in from the start. both me and my son was just playing scorched as we missed week 3 so didnt get/do the triumph. Now im crap at pvp but my boy well different kettle of fish. I gave up in the end as couldnt hit an apple at 6 inches with a fist so watched my boy firing and landing shots only for them to do no damage whatsoever but then be taken out mid air as he jumps away from a rocket that seems to curve round corners and track him. Taking sbmm away was one thing adding cross play as opt out killed it for most

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                              1 Respuesta
                              • Editado por mja calg: 7/13/2022 3:29:30 PM
                                At this point, the population has dropped so low that they are now using AOSPMM (AnyOne Still Playing Match Making). Basically if you live on Mars and can connect a potato to the internet, you're a viable Guardian for PvP in Bungle's eyes.

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                                3 Respuestas
                                • Yep. That's why i don't play in crucible longer then it needed for pinnacle cap. All those years i pushed and pull team on my shoulders, i did everything i can for my team to win a match. More then year - i don't care anymore. My k/d dropped enormously, because i don't care, it's just three matches for pinnacle until i hit pinnacle cap.

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                                • I feel ya..once dropped a shaxx made this for you in clash and caught an L.

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                                  • I'm gonna keep it real here with you chief. Any team that has me on thier side is definitely gonna lose 💁‍♂️

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