Deluxe owners shouldn’t have to purchase the upgrade for the event card, you guys at bungie should have given us the upgrade automatically since we own the deluxe edition
Edit: We as deluxe owners should have access to everything within the following year until the next big expansion drops, season, dungeons, events etc without having to pay any extra, the only thing we should have to pay extra for is anything in the eververse store, we paid the big price tag before the launch of witch queen, then we should be granted access to everything the year of content has to offer, it’s the principle of the matter and if some of you call it entitlement then so be it, I am entitled to all the content in the year leading up the light fall because I purchased the deluxe edition, again the only thing I should have to pay extra for is what is in the eververse store
Editado por Phoenix, Kell of House Sun: 7/21/2022 9:20:43 PMYou do realize that if they didn't introduce the event card all those cosmetics your worked up over would be being sold as a bundle in everse It was just a way for them to sell it differently and make you constantly look at them Just a marketing gimmick to make you constantly see their offer and the more you look the more your gonna want to get it Plays into the people who don't always do microtransactions because they think to themselves "do I really want it" Well yeah after the 100th time of seeing it they are much more likely to buy it
So you'd be fine with the items still being silver-exclusive if they were sold by Tess instead of Eva?
You read what the deluxe edition was before purchasing correct? You received what was stated, correct? Buying item a does not get item b, how are people this stupid?
I think the whole tickets thing is dumb, and I could have sworn back when they 1st mentioned the card, that they said there would be a free section of the card that you could use tickets to buy items. As it is now, unless you buy the card with silver then tickets are pointless. Even then if you buy the card, it seem dumb that you are forced to grind for something that you paid for. So if you buy the card and don't unlock all items before the event ends, then you've basically lost some of the content you paid for.
Honestly glad it didn’t Imo it’s the worst event card they’ve done so I’m glad I didn’t have to pay for it
Who knew some mid-tier cosmetics could live so rent free within everyone's heads. Destiny Player Moment ig
I just had the sparrow drop and every single shader when applied to the sparrow is a feast for the eyes. Someone would have paid $10 just for this sparrow.
"bUt HoW wIlL tHe CoMpAnY tHaT gOt 4 bIlLiOn FrOm SoNy MaKe MoNeY????"
TBH, I'm just annoyed that the new shader basically costs 10 bucks. Everything else in the paid pass is trash. Well, watching my buddy eat hotdogs in a dinosaur costume was pretty funny.
No, you get the seasons with the deluxe edition not the events
I bought the deluxe edition and no.... You aren't entitled to anything