So the 4 forges (well I'm not sure Izanami Forge is still in the game since it used a teleporter) are STILL in the game even tough the content as been "vaulted".
So Bungie explain to me this, why the forges are still in the game even tough it's not used anymore and why the same codding as Forge Ignition is in Bonfire ?
There is all the stuff to bring back the 4 Forges, the places, the game code and the weapons.
If you want to remove something from the game do it to the point you remove it all and that's it !
I know you don't want to do Destiny 3 but if you want to keep the game live service for at least another 5 years we don't care that the game do more than a 100Gb, and I know I'm going to have a response like "but the game with so many assets makes more bugs that we can't fix everything" so ? just focus on the gamebreaking bugs.
We dont need the forges anymore. Aida made the loom from the forge data. And the loom can create weapons/armor and ships/sparrows and more.
Take it up with the console designers. This game’s networking requires that all in game objects be stored in the memory (RAM) of the machine running it. That means the size of the game is limited by the 8GB of RAM on base ps4 and XB1. Because that RAM is not expandable. If you play mainly on pc now, then you have forgotten how poorly the game ran on those machines prior to DCV. I still remember going out and buying an outboard SSD for my PS4 pro, because I lost my -blam!- one night when it took 7 minutes to load into the Tower. Bungie wants the experience of the game to be uniform across all platforms. Which means that last Gen consoles will define what the limits of the game are until the current Gen replaces them in people’s homes.
Aldi final boss - antiguos
*points pistol* Always has been.