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9/7/2022 7:05:25 AM

After the 90 days suspension of cross save

Okay i had linked my account to an old steam account i had on my laptop. Past forward i upgraded to a desktop and i had to unlink and wait 90 until i can re link or use cross save for another steam account. So today was the day i can do it, and i still see my old steam account in my cross save data i thought it was weird. Then i tried to authenticate my new account signed in and everything still cant log to my other steam due to "Authentivation Error" And i saw bunch of topics about wut to do and i followed through with it. From new browser, Incagnito, other browser and the app itself. I still cant link my new steam account to my bungie which officially started from ps4. I really dont want to switch to Epic most of my games on steam. Im really lost now havent played destiny on my new pc been waiting for 90 days!

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  • Cross-Save is deactivated, but a Steam account (with stars as name) is linked; is this your old account? You have to unlink it first before linking the new one. You need to log on to using your other account (PSN), go to your profile Settings>Account Linking and push on the the Unlink button next to your currently linked Steam account.

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    2 Respuestas
    • To unlink an account from your Bungie profile: Login to the site using a different platform account than the one you wish to unlink. Click on your icon in the top right, go to Settings, then Account Linking. Scroll down to where the platform account is listed, and click unlink. You will need to authenticate the account to finalize the action. You can then link the correct account from that same page, before proceeding to the cross-save setup page.

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