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Destiny 2

Discusión sobre Destiny 2
Editado por pale(rider): 9/12/2022 7:20:13 PM

Glimmer costs for 3.0’s needs to go! Terrible new player experience terrible economy!

I was with a new player friend and he was talking about having to buy the 3.0’s I was so confused. Bungie it is beyond predatory and f-ed beyond belief to have to pay 730,000 glimmer for everything in a single subclass new players to have to buy a la carte every piece to the reworked (not new) light subclasses. So say someone doesn’t vibe is more of a hunter than warlock that cost turns into 1.46 mill say they want to run all three that cost just for subclasses turns into a massive 2.1 mill how can any of these amounts somehow translate into anything but empty mindless grind. The investment team honestly is a constant liability to this game. Grind is not content! But guns and craftable weapons have such OVER-Inflated investment cost that nothing feels like a reward. Same with pinnacles what is so important and or special that players get locked out?! The in game economy is terrible to even have a basic experience gm farming is required so the game for just a basic ease of build crafting and trying new things costs the highest level of investment. Gm’s and raid are considered aspirational but that’s a complete lie if players are set up to fail because the economy is designed for the top not the bottom band of players. Endgame players have no short of mats but new and mid have exponentially less. Last season was the first time I did gm’s regularly it changed the way I played destiny. But Bungie has the new/mid game so material broke that it’s makes it a terrible experience. I’ve never had this many exotics masterworked or had more than enough mats when I started to even enjoy the basic game. I’ve quit for long stretches of time and more than once and I lay that entirely on the investment teams shoulders. And I know a giant part of players that have a bad impression of destiny it’s devs and the community are because it’s so anti new player and has an economy of scarcity which again feels terrible. I can’t think of what point the bottle necking and the CONSTANT OVERUSE OF the worst kind of rng used in this game serves. Last mentionable experience: I got touch of malice day 3 after release after I subbed in for someone in my clan didn’t even complete the whole raid was just trying to save my friends run and you know what. No one has gotten it since and I guarantee no one is going to be grateful to Bungie when they get it. Why because so many people are upset yet again the investment team screws the community by making an exotic that was a quest reward toxic rng reward. There is zero room for gratitude and goodwill towards Bungie when the game decides randomly when you get the reward you’ve been working towards for _____ amount of time. I mention this because it is beyond toxic to see guardians have clears in the hundreds + of specific raids and no raid exotic. Please shake up the investment team fire people if you have to but the game needs to not by it’s mechanics create toxicity and general friction arbitrarily rng does not reward skill and grind is not content. I hope that anyone from Bungie that reads this knows I and many community members wanna just have fun no one really wants to be toxic I think situations do that so please I would like the opportunity to be grateful to you as a dev but I can’t and won’t until inroads are made with general fairness to the economy and design choices. I originally came from another game community and that one was very healthy and maintained by attitudes of fairness towards players. Please this isn’t a call for free but a call for more tailor made situations for new and old players and an end to inflation in this game. Edit: can’t believe I have to say this but zoomers and Bungie bootlickers necessitate it. Glimmer farming is the lowest form of content in this game glimmer only exists as a secondary form of bottle necking and taxing players. This currency only exists for engagement bloat to guarantee shareholders that you will stay on the rat wheel chasing whatever carrot. Time is money. This a universal fact wasting time days whatever on the lowest common denominator of this game just to pay a tax for basic abilities is asinine and teaches no one nothing other than you will be shook down for everything you have and your time doesn’t matter because bungo needs servers full.

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  • I kinda wish your post just focused on the topic you brought up. Glimmer is extremely easy to acquire but the 3.0 experience really is too expensive. 10k per fragment or grenade or whatever is a lot. For those who are just hopping in, their experience is going to be hampered because they won't be able to afford those fragments and grenades in a timely matter because glimmer is passively gained over time on top of the glimmer costs of EVERYTHING else. The whole experience of unlocking 3.0 is so lame too. You don't earn them through any type of quest, you just walk up to ikora, hand her a 50, then she juices you up. It's just boring. Nice because you just get right into it, but boring from a gameplay investment position.

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    • Editado por xbroggiex: 9/13/2022 2:18:51 PM
      I'd never think I'd see the day that people would be complaining about GLIMMER. Just put on a 50-65% glimmer mod and farm chests in the cosmodrome that give glimmer and materials and trade the materials in for glimmer.

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    • Never under stood why you had to buy all your “new”grenades and melee and then “meditate” for some reason to activate them. Seems like an awefull waste of bungies resources to codes that into the game when it adds nothing.

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    • Nothing predatory about using glimmer to unlock aspects/ fragments. You get glimmer from simply playing the game and it can be acquired by trading materials you get for playing the game... Hundreds of raid clears without the raid exotic seems to be a bit of an exaggeration IMO. However, the flipside to that is that there are occasions where players get things much earlier, example you getting ToM on the 3rd day the raid was live.

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      8 Respuestas
      • A little over the rop rant here, lol. What you get with the 3.0 classes is what you can work with and it works fine. Especially for new light players who have waaaay more stuff to do on the line than worrying about a very specific fragment or grenade, lol. You can get glimmer easily by exploring, doing bounties, activating a glimmer booster mod on your ghost etc. Nothing predatory here.

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        3 Respuestas
        • Bump, this is absolutely true and it was much better before with Spider there to help out with the economy. Bungie needs to lower costs of materials so that new players don’t quit in frustration and bring back Spider as a vendor with all the exact options offered when he was still a vendor. And for all the smug lifeless players, remember, without new people coming in, the game will die. And, if that doesn’t matter to you, just think of all the fun you would have demoralizing said new players in crucible.

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          6 Respuestas
          • Im actually low on legendary shards. Had around 4000 before the last season. Now im at 600. Everything cost so much now. Have to play 24/7.

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            5 Respuestas
            • Glimmer I can come across easy and often find myself Capped without knowing it. Now the REAL scuffed economy is Legendary shards.

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              • Ya'll need to stop trying to push people to endgame content right away when they join. The whole point of the game (any game for that matter) is that it's a journey, it takes time to learn how to play, to earn the things you need, to buy things. Ya'll are trying to remove the majority of the content for them! I get that endgame players want to do endgame, but if they are new to this game, just like any other, they need to do the journey part first. Being upset about glimmer costs for new players, are you for real? Like... it's practically a passive currency! Predatory!? You don't have to start the game and immediately have everything for some build you saw on youtube, and go for endgame day 1! It's supposed to be a goal, to get to that point!

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                22 Respuestas
                • I actually prefer the progression method that stasis had with the quests. I wasn't a fan of the weekly lockouts but I also think it's a bad idea to dump a whole subclass on new players while they're also trying to learn the rest of the game. The glimmer costs feel a bit cheap but hopefully with some new light quest improvements we can get an actual progression path for new players

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                  • You may not know, but all the original Light subclass unlocks required upgrade points rewarded from specific activities for each node, relics to unlock the 2nd and 3rd subclasses for each class, and another random drop to unlock the 3rd subclass trees when Forsaken launched. Even Stasis still requires completing quests and missions to unlock grenades, aspects, and fragments. The glimmer cost gives players a chance to learn how their individual abilities work and interact with each other while passively earning currency, or they can farm for materials/glimmer with no other arbitrary barriers.

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                    • Bungie hears your concerns and is happy to announce glimmer packs will now be on sale in eververse for the low price of 1000 silver for a pack of 10,000 glimmer!

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                      • I made a new account to see how the new game experience was for people. In 16 hours of gameplay, I bought all the fragments for all subclasses. Completed Europa campaign and all stasis quests, got lament, got to 1575 gear score without artifact (+8), finished deep stone and kings fall. It’s not that bad. You could have annoying quests to unlock all those. Just use the glimmer.

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                      • I never had a problem with that. Whenever I run low, I just throw on glimmer and resouce scavenger mods for whatever Rahoul is exchanging for glimmer and go farm that.

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                      • Editado por Jonty28: 9/12/2022 10:26:30 AM
                        Endgame is a hotly debated topic at the moment. “Too easy” say the sweats. “Too hard” is how many feel. I think the difficulty is just right, but needs more clear explanations and growth arcs for new players to learn about weapons, mods, builds. I do a lot of Sherpas and now I am asking players to get certain weapons and gear (easy quests etc…) so they can be taught rather than carried. Bungie also have a tough call regarding 3.0 subclasses. Make it free and veteran players complain. Make it expensive punishes new players.

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                      • Well lucky for you there aren't gonna be any more 3.0s

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                        1 Respuesta
                        • [quote]I was with a new player friend and he was talking about having to buy the 3.0’s I was so confused. Bungie it is beyond predatory and f-ed beyond belief to have to pay hundreds of thousands of glimmer for new players to have to buy a la carte every piece to the reworked (not new) light subclasses. The investment team honestly is a constant liability to this game. Grind is not content! But guns and craftable weapons are such OVER-Inflated investment cost that nothing feels like a reward. Same with pinnacles what is so important and or special that players get locked out?! The in game economy is terrible to even have a basic experience gm farming is required so the game for just a basic ease of build crafting and trying new things costs the highest level of investment. Gm’s and raid are considered aspirational but that’s a complete lie if players are set up to fail because the economy is designed for the top not the bottom band of players. Endgame players have no short of mats but new and mid have exponentially less. Last season was the first time I did gm’s regularly it changed the way I played destiny. But Bungie has the new/mid game so material broke that it’s makes it a terrible experience. I’ve never had this many exotics masterworked or had more than enough mats when I started to even enjoy the basic game. I’ve quit for long stretches of time and more than once and I lay that entirely on the investment teams shoulders. And I know a giant part of players that have a bad impression of destiny it’s devs and the community are because it’s so anti new player and has an economy of scarcity which again feels terrible. I can’t think of what point the bottle necking and the CONSTANT OVERUSE OF the worst kind of rng used in this game serves. Last mentionable experience: I got touch of malice day 3 after release after I subbed in for someone in my clan didn’t even complete the whole raid was just trying to save my friends run and you know what. No one has gotten it since and I guarantee no one is going to be grateful to Bungie when they get it. Why because so many people are upset yet again the investment team screws the community by making an exotic that was a quest reward toxic rng reward. There is zero room for gratitude and goodwill towards Bungie when the game decides randomly when you get the reward you’ve been working towards for _____ amount of time. I mention this because it is beyond toxic to see guardians have clears in the hundreds + of specific raids and no raid exotic. Please shake up the investment team fire people if you have to but the game needs to not by it’s mechanics create toxicity and general friction arbitrarily rng does not reward skill and grind is not content. I hope theater anyone from Bungie -blam!- this knows I and many community members wanna just have fun no one really wants to be toxic I think situations do that so please I would like the opportunity to be grateful to you as a dev but I can’t and won’t until inroads are made with general fairness to the economy and design choices. I originally came from a mother game community and that one was very healthy and maintained by attitudes of fairness towards players. Please this isn’t a call for free but a call for more tailor made situations for new and old players and an end to inflation in this game.[/quote] I absolutely agree. The main point is new players definitely need glimmer to upgrade core abilities. The entire argument that microtransactions are predatory in gaming is a Pay To Play Mobile Game model. Which is exactly what having high prices glimmer is. New players do not have 25k to drop for a basic ability. This will only force new players to buy those sweet material packs or season pass. Again what makes microtransactions predatory is when they go beyond cosmetics. Microtransactions should be for cosmetics only otherwise IT IS a Pay To Play Mobile Game model. New players can’t play the game unless they spend money on silver coins just to buy Mats. This is literally the definition of predatory microtransactions.

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                          33 Respuestas
                          • I get uinely don't get the point of the glimmer costs at all. Its pointless and glimmer is worthless for the overwhelming majority of the game and players.

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                          • Editado por Tozeas: 9/11/2022 11:16:22 PM
                            Entitled kid doesn’t realize you have to grind in mmo’s and rpg’s to unlock stuff -The thread

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                            • As a newer player, I've been playing for about two, maybe three months now, starting from scratch on the F2P only parts of the game, I want to say that I disagree with this statement. Yes, RNG is garbage, it doesn't matter what game it is, RNG is garbage. But even for someone who has little clue what is going on or happening quite often as I often find myself, I've still been able to bring myself up to a level where I feel I can hang with the average player around me and with a little attention and research, I've hardly been at a loss for either materials or exotics, the latter often just dropping into my inventory unexpectedly. Drops are done on a per player basis, there are plenty of bonuses and modifiers you can either obtain from the free in game currency they give you or from dismantling weapons and armour your not going to use. Oh, and there is Rahool. I've had plenty of times where I've been short of materials for a masterwork and if it's a lower level or simple a weapon it usually takes no more than twenty minutes for me to acquire the materials needed. Sure the more expensive mats for armour masterwork are a pain, but there are so many ways to get them that I wonder where this poster is really coming from? Complaining about glimmer gains? Seriously? If you weren't aware, you can get a modifier on your ghost to increase glimmer gains, have a shell set for the max gains that you only equip for glimmer farming and you'll have more glimmer than you know what to do with in no time at all.

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                              39 Respuestas
                              • Rahool sells glimmer in bundles of 10k in exchange for legendary shards or materials, both of which are easily gathered. Even new players have full, easy access to destination materials in the form of public event rewards, patrol caches, etc, and the free pass also offers glimmer, materials, etc. I'm sorry but if you think the 3.0 stuff costs too much when the price is just GLIMMER, you're really, really bad at this game.

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                                9 Respuestas
                                • You people really will complain about anything lol

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                                • Editado por RationalSea4: 9/11/2022 8:55:27 PM
                                  It’s not predatory because bungie does not financially benefit from you getting glimmer. Bungie gains nothing from this. It creates a experience of growing your light and abilities. Yes, I do think the costs are a bit absurd (specifically for fragments), but you should still have to buy them from ikora.

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                                  7 Respuestas
                                  • To any new players reading this. Rahool is an NPC in the tower who will pay 10,000 glimmer for some materials. It rotates what materials he wants. It's good to just go to the planet of the day and harvest materials and get all that glimmer. You'll have tons and get some variety each day. 😊

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                                  • This franchise is gatekeeping any new players from touching it so hard! The material costs, mod access, Exotics access, and Endgame content accessibility is shutting out newbies from queueing this game. Bungie is shooting themselves in the foot by not increasing accessibility to content. Three, yes three of my IRL friends tried and quit within the past month with the drop of Arc 3.0. I myself am an endgame player, and trying to help them acclimate to the game was futile. They just wanted to go do the hard ish and have a cool build, but couldn't do either thanks to how grindy and inaccessible this game has become.

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                                    • Just buy when you can afford it

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