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Destiny 2

Discusión sobre Destiny 2
Editado por pale(rider): 9/12/2022 7:20:13 PM

Glimmer costs for 3.0’s needs to go! Terrible new player experience terrible economy!

I was with a new player friend and he was talking about having to buy the 3.0’s I was so confused. Bungie it is beyond predatory and f-ed beyond belief to have to pay 730,000 glimmer for everything in a single subclass new players to have to buy a la carte every piece to the reworked (not new) light subclasses. So say someone doesn’t vibe is more of a hunter than warlock that cost turns into 1.46 mill say they want to run all three that cost just for subclasses turns into a massive 2.1 mill how can any of these amounts somehow translate into anything but empty mindless grind. The investment team honestly is a constant liability to this game. Grind is not content! But guns and craftable weapons have such OVER-Inflated investment cost that nothing feels like a reward. Same with pinnacles what is so important and or special that players get locked out?! The in game economy is terrible to even have a basic experience gm farming is required so the game for just a basic ease of build crafting and trying new things costs the highest level of investment. Gm’s and raid are considered aspirational but that’s a complete lie if players are set up to fail because the economy is designed for the top not the bottom band of players. Endgame players have no short of mats but new and mid have exponentially less. Last season was the first time I did gm’s regularly it changed the way I played destiny. But Bungie has the new/mid game so material broke that it’s makes it a terrible experience. I’ve never had this many exotics masterworked or had more than enough mats when I started to even enjoy the basic game. I’ve quit for long stretches of time and more than once and I lay that entirely on the investment teams shoulders. And I know a giant part of players that have a bad impression of destiny it’s devs and the community are because it’s so anti new player and has an economy of scarcity which again feels terrible. I can’t think of what point the bottle necking and the CONSTANT OVERUSE OF the worst kind of rng used in this game serves. Last mentionable experience: I got touch of malice day 3 after release after I subbed in for someone in my clan didn’t even complete the whole raid was just trying to save my friends run and you know what. No one has gotten it since and I guarantee no one is going to be grateful to Bungie when they get it. Why because so many people are upset yet again the investment team screws the community by making an exotic that was a quest reward toxic rng reward. There is zero room for gratitude and goodwill towards Bungie when the game decides randomly when you get the reward you’ve been working towards for _____ amount of time. I mention this because it is beyond toxic to see guardians have clears in the hundreds + of specific raids and no raid exotic. Please shake up the investment team fire people if you have to but the game needs to not by it’s mechanics create toxicity and general friction arbitrarily rng does not reward skill and grind is not content. I hope that anyone from Bungie that reads this knows I and many community members wanna just have fun no one really wants to be toxic I think situations do that so please I would like the opportunity to be grateful to you as a dev but I can’t and won’t until inroads are made with general fairness to the economy and design choices. I originally came from another game community and that one was very healthy and maintained by attitudes of fairness towards players. Please this isn’t a call for free but a call for more tailor made situations for new and old players and an end to inflation in this game. Edit: can’t believe I have to say this but zoomers and Bungie bootlickers necessitate it. Glimmer farming is the lowest form of content in this game glimmer only exists as a secondary form of bottle necking and taxing players. This currency only exists for engagement bloat to guarantee shareholders that you will stay on the rat wheel chasing whatever carrot. Time is money. This a universal fact wasting time days whatever on the lowest common denominator of this game just to pay a tax for basic abilities is asinine and teaches no one nothing other than you will be shook down for everything you have and your time doesn’t matter because bungo needs servers full.

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