From tossing bonkhammer to invis Truesight, Warlocks are now at such an enormous, obvious fun and function disadvantage it's getting embarrassing.
Hunters have like [b]eight[/b](?) truly distinct melee abilities. Titans have nearly that many, and the differences for them are even more dramatic than Hunters', and theirs are serious [b]FREE[/b] movement tools toboot.
Warlocks have a lame dash, castoff from Titans in D1, a poor performing dive ability with bad synergy and a fat cooldown.. [b]at the cost of our main contribution[/b]: little number puddles. Unless you happen to be running big number puddle. Don't forget the most exciting feature: unintelligent, tiny Arc shoulder numbers.
Our melees can be described as short range color-matched blobs. No precision/skilled/reset/utility. [b]Literally none[/b]. With the exception of the Arc melee... with surrounding kit synergy so poor I'd bet a few fingers it's also a Titan castoff.
From Devour to Cure to Ionic Traces, I'm glad other classes got access to some former identifying Warlock features.
So where the hell is our interesting tools, utility, and identity? Where is it written Warlocks have to be boring?
Void Titans = Activate over shields on tap. Void Hunters = Activate invis anytime. Void Warlocks = You can no longer activate devour at will, instead you must wear a specific exotic (Making you miss out on using more beneficial ones) and also use a empowering rift rather than the healing rift you may have wished to use. So stupid its busted in the worst way. Also Devour provides no benefit to you in regards to winning an engagement, invis will because it helps with positioning and first shot advantage, over shields will because you simply have more health than the opponent. Warlock.......good luck.
Brilliant post
Warlock is just used For Well there is no other subclass for warlock Solar warlock has 1 Super
They aren’t. People are just unwilling to engage with the buildcrafting required to get the most out of the class.
Warlocks need some love but Icarus dashing and well skating are the best movement tools in the game. Tempest melee combos are satisfying and take good timing and awareness to pull off in pvp. Void should return HHSN to one shot again maybe with an exotic. Astro blinking is still top tier ankle breaking
If you look at RPGs and MMOs, magic users are often the strongest characters, just think if Warlocks had an ability to transform into the enemy you have your cross hair on and the enemies think your one of them and stop shooting , and in PvP you appear has an ally to the enemy team for a short time, Warlocks have so much untapped potential to be nightmares for AI and PvP alike, that's why Bungie is so scared of buffing them But it's probably down to engine limitations
Child and stasis turrets are the definition of fun, interesting active abilities but yeah I see your point. Wish they had more
You are acting like hunter has ANY defining features. Warlocks and titans can do ANYTHING hunters can if not better. Invis...rat king. Truesight...wish ender. And that was everything hunter ever had unique to them.
Plain and simple bungie hates warlocks and every warlock subclass in 3.0 has been picked clean and the best parts given to hunters and titans. Only hunters and titans get the OP exotics and abilities like invisibility and overshields. Warlocks don't get to have any fun things and if they are fun they won't be for long. Shadebinder caught 12 nerfs 9 days into beyond light but hunters were allowed shatterdive for a year and a half and behemoths got to rain destruction for 6 months.
This is what happens when abilities get nerfed. Everyone kept crying about hunters and thought they were gonna keep their stuff. Everyone said restoration was broken when hunters could use it on demand so classy restoration is gone but restoration is put on the crosshair. Everyone says invis is broken and too frequent, fine fair point but don't be surprised when nerfs come to your class. This nerf herd stuff has gotten out of control to the point people are now asking for nerfs in pve a mode that dont even affect anyone. Warlocks are being obliterated by the community Everytime they ask for abilities.
Don’t know about all that… play mainly Titan over the life of d2 but I’ll agree warlocks feel underwhelming at the moment. My question is why do they even list cooldowns on Hunter abilities? They basically have a mechanic or build that negates them.
Warlock are very fun to play just to many people are bad at the game and can’t craft build so they cry about warlock being bad there not bad people just need to learn to get better
Stop blaming your skill issue on the entire class bro
Shadebinder is one of the most fun subclasses to play Dawnblade has the most fun movement in the entire game. I hadn't played it in a while until the other day and forgot just how good it feels. Arc chains abilities better than anything other than Striker with Inmost Light Void is strong but probably the least dynamic
well said
People actually list the most garbage things warlock has and use that as their reasoning that the entire class is ‘trash’. I barely played anything but hunter prior to the 3.0 subclass changes, now in PvE I find everything but warlock subpar, you actually cannot beat heat rises as a heal with starfire protocol and witherhoard/osteo for damage so high that heavy becomes irrelevant. Im GMs using 3 pheonix protocol just makes everything trivial other than lightblade.
Rifts are the ultimate support ability, and we have it. Once storm grenade gets nerfed, we'll have the strongest grenade and the strongest melee. We have blink, can float in the air, can dodge midair, and come crashing back down in a pinch to deal pain and healing. We can also give everyone a little friend to help show them where to shoot or can weaken targets every 30 seconds. Warlock 3.0 is good actually.
Fireball melee is also unique to Warlock. They're also the fastest class in the game, even without glitch skating. Like I get that you clearly aren't excited about using a Warlock anymore, but they're far from boring or uselss or anything near that. Still have plenty of utility both in pve and pvp. Well is still one of the best PvE subclasses even after the nerf and Shadebinder, while not the best, is a very good pvp subclass. Does Warlock need some attention? Sure. Absoutely. They're not some subtier class though. All of ours have problems. And by all means, take your cure and your devour and your traces back lol. We don't need them.
I ran all three characters through multiple GMs this weekend and my warlock was just fine. Used arc palpatine as well which is supposed to be trash. Grenades all the time. I didn't feel it was a problem. GMs as a whole seem easier this season. Glassway might prove me wrong though at reset.
Warlocks are fine.
Because they have a Skelton crew working on the game and they don’t care
Grass is always greener.
Editado por WulfPak666: 11/14/2022 9:55:40 AMI just want to know, for pvp at least (or PvE) in what world is Barricade and Shadestep considered less useful and impactful than healing/empowered Rift, given how their cooldown is ridiculously low in comparison? Like sure, going invis every 15 seconds or being able to pop a barricade, gain an overshield, block off a lane and be able to get another before the first goes away is totally fine. Meanwhile imma throw down my rift (probably die during the animation) and stand here like an idiot because the exact moment I step out of the safety circle, all beenfits go away and it takes almost a whole 2 minutes to recharge at base 🤣 Or I can dive down really fast 🤷 also on a near 2 minute cooldown.
I don't know running GM on all three characters and my warlock with the palpatine lightning was fine, pulse grenades I was getting all the time.
it's how its always been, warlocks have to fight just to get even the smallest of buffs, in d1 we had absolutely the worst movement and was finally able to compete with icarus dash in d2 but they still want to lock 2 of our movement abilities behind supers. it's infuriating
Grass is always greener on the other side.