I've seen alot of posts by the PvP Players that they wish for rewards for achieving higher Ranks in the upcoming Skill Groups. The Rank Mulitplier is already a easy and fantastic addition but to have actual stuff locked behind a Skill Bracket might not be the play here. As Bungie said themselves, some people will NEVER reach these Skill Brackets and therefore be locked out of stuff. I think we had enough of the FOMO already in this game and should thereof reward Stuff that is already ingame.
Bright Engrams + Bright Dust would be great rewards for playing well since you can get alot out of the Eververse and save money with this method. This would give players more ways of obtaining Eververse by purely playing the game and hoard Bright Dust (which currently is only possible by doing Bounties each week and during events). This would also incentivise continiously since you could repeatedly earn these rewards, unlike a one and done cosmetic.
If this is not in Bungies Interest because "money" is getting more grindable this way, I atleast would recommend a way of obtaining said Skill-locked Loot for every player after a initial exclusive time.
This might work well with the Exotic Kiosk that sells the Legendary Ornaments after a year of exclusivity for owners of the current DLC.
Editado por Guardian3037: 11/17/2022 10:28:47 PMim in total favor of having rewards locked behind a skill door so to speak it has to happen to fix the complete over correction it was this same complaint that got rid of ritual weapon quests like lunas howl recluse all of those cause they were -blam!- awesome but people were complaining that it was causing a rift between the haves and have not who wouldn't be able to get it and u know something i didn't care about less pvp orientated players still don't tbh but i grabbed those quests grinded out even though I'm not the best and u know what i got it done its just effort time and some knowledge of placement on maps sure it wasn't easy but that's what made it valuable for me in a way the chase now its just rank up collect your handout im sorry its just not viable in the long run for a looter shooter i mean thats basicly the game at this point just collecting handouts from vendors for something trivial no more chasing a great gun no more embracing the fact that u finally got the damn thing after all that effort its just become a game of gimmie
If bright dust is a no go bc monetization go brrrrr, comp could reward materials like legendary shards, enhancement cores, enhancement prisms, and ascendant shards instead
Or just add like cosmetics as rewards for reaching certain ranks
Wait I can buy the three ornaments after a year for the season’s ritual weapon?