bungie.. why does are guardian not get a gift on christmas day ?
i dont know what date we are on in game so it might not make sense but everything else seems to line up so why does are guardian get nothing for Christmas
you could argue the event itself is the gift and id half agree we are able to work for materials alot easier but the day itself we dont get a gift
it would be nice maybe even too nice if we all one 1 gift box from Xur that has a random item inside it, this item would be based off of what your character just dosent have an example would be you never raid like ever so the gift would be a random raid weapon
if your the type of play that has everything like max materials and most of the god rolls in the game idk what to tell you maybe you get gifted 5000 bright dust for being so committed to the game for so long and a little thank you note from bungie tho Xur wouldnt know what that is or what it means either neither would your character but you would know
again tho it can literally be anything in the game its up to bungie, most likely nothing will happen
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