Seasonal Perks Not fuctioning properly. (specifically Champion Perks.)
there seems to be a problem concerning the artifact perks not fuctioning.
For example, in the video linked above, I have all but one of the Champion mods in the 1st column and i have medieval champion, the mods work as intended, with unstoppable on the glaive and overload on the smg. when i unlock Threaded Blast, the Perks start fuctioning incorrectly, Unstoppable Glaive goes away, but only when i have Overload Smg out, when i switch to Anti Barrier Pulse Rifle, Unstoppable Glaive Works.
Video 2:
In the second video, the Perks were acting wierd again. this time, having more than one of a different type of Champion mod would disable the other, intrinsic champion mods took priority over seasonal. such as Wish Ender keeping antibarrier but the smg losing overload.
In a third instance, i was running a nightfall with antibarrier pulse and a full 12 selection of Artifact perks, but Anti Barrier wasnt working. I Reset my Artifact (FOR THE FORTH TIME TODAY) bought the champion perks and it worked fine. Unlocked either Bricks from beyond or Authorized Mods: Void and it stopped working again. then i Reset the Artifact and just bought champion perks. I sadly dont have a clip of this.
This is Really annoying and i still dont fully under stand the causes of these bugs. and all these artifact resets has put me down to 30k glimmer. although, some resets were free, while other ones costed glimmer.
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