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Destiny 2

Discusión sobre Destiny 2
Editado por ReavingReaper: 3/24/2023 7:11:05 AM

Gotta say, i'm starting to see the push for reworks of Commendations

Like the ideas


Ideas need work


Disagree with everything






Let me preface this, I have played very few games with a system like this in place, the closest and one I know of easily is the Commendation system for FF14. With a system of both getting exclusive rewards for getting commendations, AND getting an exclusive playlist to play for doing special achievements in the game, the commendation system is commodity in ff14 as well as a decent reward. The one we have in destiny however is, quite frankly, a crapshoot just waiting for someone to run it into the ground. I hadn't gone into 6 player playlists until very recently so i didnt know how bad it was. (I've decided the headache of the crucible and gambit is too much to carry on any longer)((Played dares)). I liked the idea to commend my allies (Not friends/party) on a job well done, to stick it out till the end in the chaotic world of strikes and nightfall's, and even matchmade story missions which was a surprise as I ran through my first one after completing the campaign, and was nearly bodied by a teammate with a sword. Its a nice experience for another player to think, "hey, this person made the strike fun with their grapple antics, or this person was really thoughtful and kept coming back for me time and again when I got buried by cabal balls of death, take a commendation". But to see people so easily able to abuse it with friends and fireteams just suiciding in raids or wiping instantly hurt a bit. It removed the purpose of such a system and made it just another grind that we had to deal with. Hell, if you run a dares, you can only commend 2 people, and most of the time, its a fireteam of three with 3 solos at that final screen, and the 3 solos get nothing besides 1 or two. Why have a system when its just another farm in a game that is literally "Gun and Gear farming simulator 2023?". Which is why I'm posting this, the guy who usually uses the forums as a vent for my utter hatred of Gambit, as a hopefuly idea and way of refinement to this system 1.RESET OUR SCORES: Hopefully in 60 days it will reset and that will be fine, but it needs to be done all the way to 0. I understand how that might suck for people who cant play that much and use the farming methods, but this needs to happen to make it worthwhile. 2. FIRETEAMS CANNOT COMMEND EACHOTHER. In ff14, if your a party of 3 and go into a dungeon to get a solo 4th, you cant give each other the commendation, only the solo gets it. In doing so, it gives a rewarding experience to the one person who might not be able to communicate with the rest easily, and still keeps the system going. If you party with a buddy in destiny for a playlist run, you cant commend your friend, but you can commend everyone else just fine and they can commend you back if you deserve it. 3.REBUILD THE SCORING SYSTEM: This is where things get tricky, what I want to see, the final shape of all this, is to see the commendation system be a way to show off other players gratitude towards you and how helpful you are to them, so by making it so you can only give 2 out no matter the game mode, or even 1, you make it more worth while. In competitive game modes, even opening the end game screen to commend the other team on their skill level would be excellent Take for example, at the end of the (Hopefully) out of beta guide games raid: you had someone who did 100s of runs of the raid, walk each of you and your friends through (Raids wont be commendations unless its a guide games version), staying with you, helping you understand parts that you didn't get and completing the raid , giving them a mastery/leadership commendation will be like 20 points to their score. Hell, even adding into the final version of guided games, a system to "Call it" when its late to end the raid and commend would be excellent. 4: GIVE EXCLUSIVE REWARDS: Now the final trick, the one that everyone will use the commendation for, actual rewards. Exclusive shaders, ghost shells, sparrows, resources, little things that make it worthwhile to play with good intentions. Now these rewards will be "Season" based, play nice all season and get the rewards. Miss a season, doesn't matter, if you reach the score during season 2, you get season 1&2 cosmetics rewards for that tier but only the resources of the current season. repeating all the way till the next DLC drop that makes the DLC exclusive. If you do add a reward system like this, the scores would have to carry over a little bit between seasons to give players a reason to both continue on their quest of good moods, personalities, and helpfulness, and to help those that cant play too often, stay in the game so before the DLC is over, they have the ability to show off how they helped other players. Thats all i got for now, ill think of more ideas at some point

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