Suggestion - Destiny Communication Center - An in-game UI for Critical Information (UI concepts included)!
Hello fellow Guardians.
Destiny is a large game and has a lot of moving pieces. For instance, you might see an item is disabled in game, but have no clue as to why or if it is supposed to be. There are also popups that you can sometimes miss or accidentally dismiss before you finish checking it out, such as the "Next week in Destiny" message.
What if there was a central location that could contain this sort of information? I present to you – The Destiny Communication Center (DCC). UI examples are at the bottom (I am not a UI artist, so sorry in advanced).
The DCC would be a new menu that can be accessed like any other menu within the game. It would be a place that Bungie can use to centralize communication and in-game alerts that you might have missed or were interrupted. This could also be added in a way to be used after the title screen, so you can watch for updates within the game while you are in queue or getting error codes like cat while the servers are being updated. Here are some elements that could be included:
* A history of any popups that occurred during the current session (Next week in Destiny, popups for quests and adventures, and other modal alerts that you have to close upon login or orbiting. An icon could be displayed if there are new messages you haven't seen somewhere on the main menu.
* An aggregation of game news and social media feeds for official Bungie accounts.
* Disabled weapon/armor list
* Maintenance notices/Ongoing issues
* A display of your local time and the time Bungie goes by
* A display of how long until the next daily/weekly reset
* Future tools, such as a polling interface to cast your vote for things like Trials maps, event armor, and your input on future content updates in a similar way as what Jagex does with Oldschool RuneScape.
Example - News feed with blog posts and separate notices
Example - Notification feed to view the popups you missed or accidentally closed:
Example - Service Status with maintenance ongoing:
Example - Service Status with no maintenance ongoing
This system could even be further expanded into a social center where you also have recommended content from content creators, polls for things within the game instead of the emails, and more.
That's all folks.
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