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10/20/2022 2:11:47 PM
Swat The Bot
Swat The Bot

Over $777 donated to Bungie Foundation antiguos

Good news for fans of Bungie's Marathon games.

"According to sources, Bungie is set to bring back the Marathon series with a new game that will be a 3-man squad extraction-based shooter. The title is in a pre-alpha state, sources said, but it could be announced at any point given the industry’s competition for talent. Marathon takes place on a planet that was previously home to a human colony that vanished, with humans (now sparse) using highly-customization cyborgs called “Runners” to gather loot, it was said. It’s understood that the gameplay loop of Marathon is similar to most extraction-based shooters; choose a mission, buy and choose your loadout, drop into the map, hunt for loop and complete missions, and then extract safely. Just like with most extraction-based shooters, it’s understood that you lose all of your loot if you’re unfortunate enough to die. The game is intended to be the “ultimate example of a living game”, it was said. Seasonal rewards and progression will be a huge part of the game, which isn’t surprising considering Bungie’s success with the Destiny series and its live services. This will be the first non-Destiny title the studio has developed in over a decade. Marathon was first released in 1994, with two sequels to the title coming in 1995 and 1996. The original title achieved around 200,000 units sold by 2002. In 2019, Bungie CEO Pete Parsons suggested in an IGN interview that the studio will have a new game by 2025. “So, by 2025 we have a pretty specific path to make sure we transform Destiny and that we have other franchises within the marketplace.”, Parsons said.""

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