Sooo. This is my first post here on the forums because I legit can't find any recent information about how to do some of the memory quests for Eris to get Moon rider one.. I have a few questions because apparently I've done a few already (as her posse doesn't have the numbers it used to).
1) Are the memory quests weekly still? I just finished vell's.
2)Would it be dumb to go looking for a trove Gaurdian since I don't have his quest or is that HOW I get the quest?
3) is there any sort of triumphs page I could look at to see who I even have left to do?
I'm sorry if this out of nowhere but I feel in love with destiny late and getting Harbinger is something I've sent my mind to for a bit now..
Personally i actually liked harbinger out of everything else honestly it was alot more fun especially in how it progressed actually
I just looked it up on YT.
Ooh yeah, I'd like the title as well, hopefully someone will be able to help us get it :D
Complete Master Nigtmare Of Crota time trial When I saw that, I knew I wasn't getting that title, yeah yeah I know skill issue
I would love to get this actually but I hear Master Crota time trial is bugged. You can check your progress on the app in the seals section or on DIM in Records -> Triumphs I think
Editado por Boss_KADA: 10/23/2023 12:49:17 AMNever too late! It’s the oldest expansion not gutted. Think I’ve still got some past campaign quests to do. The real doozy is going a no sacrifice alters of sorrow run Basically consult the moon triumph page for all your goals
[quote]1) Are the memory quests weekly still? I just finished vell's.[/quote] Yes, they should still be on weekly lockout (Bungie haven't announced any changes, and they were still on weekly lockout the month prior to LF launching) [quote]2)Would it be dumb to go looking for a trove Gaurdian since I don't have his quest or is that HOW I get the quest?[/quote] Trove guardian isn't a quest itself but its part of the Memory of Toland quest [quote]3) is there any sort of triumphs page I could look at to see who I even have left to do?[/quote] Theres a set order. If you just finished Vell Tarlowe then you have 3 to go. Sai Mota -> Vell Tarlowe -> Toland -> Omar Agah ->Eriana-3
I did this a couple months ago. You get the sparrow from doing all the memory quests I believe and you get an emblem from getting all dead ghosts I believe. Hopefully you can get people to do master nightmare Crota because that’s hard without tractor cannon which helps a lot with sword damage. A huge tip is that all of the stuff from the badge that says it’s found from exploring means it’s likely from doing something in the seal which you have to do the badge for it anyway for one character all the way. Make sure you get all essences for the weapons too. Hopefully this helps