So I just did First Contact for the 3rd time on Legend, scored 99,795 and got nothing for actually completing the mission in 21 minutes. So the moral of the story is I'm not getting that pinnacle.
Seems unfair some weeks I easily make the score on Hero. Like are there less enemies on this mission? Did anyone check if 100k could be achieved on Hero before it was thrown in the Playlist. And we used finishers on every champion. Like I could have had better fragments equipped to give me more orbs but I shouldn't need a specific build to hit the score if you already determine my class with the surge.
All I'm saying is I want the pinnacle gear and sometimes the effort to get it is wildly different. 8 PVP challenges not that much time, a raid on the other hand can be several hours especially if I have to learn it. Getting duplicate pinnacles is a bag drive and brings down the game.
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