Back in early D2 year 1 I managed to get myself some honors of the nine shaders by going flawless back when they were consumables . I applied them to my armor so I didn't have any in my inventory anymore . As a result , when warmind arrived and "saved" our owned items for the upcoming collections , it didn't register that I had honors of the nine because I had none left in my inventory but still had them applied to my armor .
As a result I never got the shader in my collections despite holding on to the armor with the shader applied all these years .
Anyway I had heard and knew that dismantling armor with rare shaders would give you the shader and unlock it . I didn't want to risk it , but with the release of TFS I thought "F it" . Dismantled the armor and received no shader (video attached) and now my Honors of the Nine is gone , reduvced to atoms . :(
Is there a way that the shader could be added to my account's collections ? or some other workaround ?
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