To those interested in joining a Clan, I suppose you have a couple of key areas you have in mind before making that leap.
You want a Clan who is active and places importance on doing activities together? A Clan that doesn't shy away from the Endgame content without throwing people in the deep end? A Clan who has a hub where everyone can share almost anything Destiny related, throw a few memes in and help others reach the next level with tips and suggestions?
Hunting Equilibrium has all of this and more. Whilst we are currently a smaller clan, all good things must start somewhere. Our aim? To build a tight knit band of Guardians who enjoy the company of their peers, grinding the levels through all content and most importantly, have fun whilst doing so.
If I've managed to interest you this far, send me a message via DM and I will get back to you as soon as possible. Have a good day, and let's make the most of this!
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