PLATFORM: PlayStation
ISSUE: When I go to Ada-1, I have to accept what she gives me before I can continue. Only issue is.. I cant.. because it says I have to much glimmer.. which I do.. BUT I haven't capped out. I have room for it. And it's really irritating me because I spend as much as I can, and STILL CANT ACCEPT IT!
Another added thing, it doesn't bother me as much but might as well include it. The drifters icon keeps pulsating and when I go to him, nothing. He's got nothing for me. Just standing there. Looking for unwanted attention. Ugh!
REPRO STEPS: complete quests for Ada-1 and maybe you'll run into the same bullcrap issue I have to deal with.
EXPECTED RESULT: To be able to accept the dang glimmer and move on with my life!
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