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Destiny 2

Discusión sobre Destiny 2
Editado por AbsolutZeroGI: 9/11/2024 5:24:42 PM

Please stop telling people that you're making your game fun

You mention how you're committed to Destiny and trying to keep it fun, but you keep tuning the game specifically for a very loud minority of players who have challenge mode b*ners, you nerf popular abilities in PvE and put an over emphasis on build crafting and damage rotations, which aren't fun. Meanwhile, the grinds are getting longer and the storytelling is getting worse. Both the protagonist and antagonist of this season is a gay person with a gay robot lover (yeah the antagonist has killed hundreds of hers but still, it's the same thing). If anyone says that it's a dumb soap opera storyline, they're slammed for hating gay people. Bruh, even the gay people I play with don't like the story or how gay people are being presented here. New content is overtuned and not fun to do, which is why hardly anyone is actually doing it. People are leaving in droves to go play games that are actually fun because Destiny 2 has turned into Dark Souls where you have to actively hate yourself in order to want to play it. Don't use the word "fun", cuz y'all have lost the plot that large groups of people have different interests when it comes to gaming for fun and you're literally only catering to one of those groups and it's alienating everyone else. The only things you're dedicated to are capitulating to your streamers and most hardcore players, none of whom want or need LFG systems because they all play in their own little groups that are totally isolated from the rest of the player base and so they both don't know or care what everybody else wanted. And because they're entertainers and not video game developers, even they're not playing the game as much as many streamers have left the game to play other stuff now that they got what they wanted and found that it sucks. Can't be a streamer for a game if no one plays the game, a lesson they didn't learn when they were asking for the game to be a dark souls shooter clone, and now they left because they can't make money off of their own ideas. If you want the game to be fun and for people to not leave, you're gonna have to detune some of this crap and make it more chill and fun to do, otherwise you're gonna end up with a few thousand players logging on everyday whining that there's nothing to do and no one to do it with. Your game is dying in real time, and you can stop it. Make the game fun again.

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  • "Sunset my FUN, sunset my BUSINESS". ----Me, 2024

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  • You hit the nail on the head. No doubt the BDF are readying their charge. 🤣

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  • Can’t believe you’d compare Dark Souls to this trash…

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    • [i]b[/i]ung is focusing on the no life basement dwellers. Those type of peoples sense of fun is way different than the rest of the world.

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    • If you look at the rapid declining player base it is clear that the casual that is keeping the game alive is done with it and moving on. We can’t blame them for leaving as the elitist/streamer narrative bungie took is just pointless as a person that is new to the game still need to grow and evolve, most 5hat started back in 2014 is well seasoned and know where all the good spots are. Bungie should have listened to the majority and not the select few, now they are sitting with a hot mess and have to continuously run patch notes and updates to try keep head above water. Good on you casuals for speaking with your wallets. Unfortunately a bit late but hopefully bungie/sony has learned from this moving forward. Listen to the elitist/streamer camp and the people that actually keep the game alive moves on and don’t bother with it. To our elitist/streamer club. I hope you enjoy 2hat you created. There is no point for people to enjoy this game anymore due to all your complaints and bungie jumping to please you. Pve just about ruined due to pvp elitists complaining. Dungeons are not fun or enjoyable anymore due to elitist/streamer camp complaints everything is to easy. Some of us enjoyed taking new lights through dungeons and raids but due to the artificial difficulty and forced encounter wipes due to your complaints about everything being to easy, it is just not worth it anymore. Not all new players have hours up their sleeve to learn the new mechanics and not all of them are hardcore players. For them it is a hobby that they invest in and you guest it, if they don’t enjoy the hobby they move on. Once again, CASUALS, I salute you for speaking with your wallet.

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      8 Respuestas
      • As an old, solo, tortoise, I was working my way through the Legend Seal triumphs. 10th Anniversary and all that… 🤔 The Neomuna Triumph It didn’t take too long before I remembered how much I disliked playing anything in this location…due to the nonstop overtuned enemies doing their thang…it wasn’t fun then…and it wasn’t fun now. So, I burned through it as fast as I could. 🫤 The Rank 8 Triumph I’m rank 7. I like number 7…and that’s my ‘vanilla’ play style level - as an old tortoise, and I’m okay with that! However, I’ve got one triumph remaining to advance to rank 8–if I’m understanding it correctly—and that was to play a Co-op Mission on the Campaign or Pale Heart zone!? Yesterday, more out of curiosity, I checked out FTF to see if anyone else is interested…nada! So, I went through the confusing process of creating a fireteam, and two players jumped right in…and this old tortoise pressed all the wrong buttons and ended up with just one player, patiently waiting in space with me for the other missing player to join… After a minute or two, and not wanting, or being confident to navigate the confusing FTF system again, I hit launch…and we landed at the first mission…me - a 7, and s/he - a 6… Caveat: I completed the campaign on normal in my H, but not on my W or T…and that was a first for me in 10-years of play! That told me a lot! I did try Legend mode on my T…but that lasted for a few minutes before I switched back to normal mode…I just don’t want to play overtuned anything anymore in this game…not since Lightfail and Neomuna raised the floor…and NOT the ceiling…🙄 It seems, I wasn’t the only one! 😐 Anyhoo, I did take my W / T through the campaign, up until the last 3 missions…and there I halted, because I had zero desire to repeat those tedious missions again…which also meant, they never got to play in the Pale Heart zones! Good call, Bungle 🤡…not! Back to my mission tale… To say me and my teammate were at 6s and 7s was to put it mildly. I remembered by most stuff, and we got through it fast enough. Then that ‘debuff’ (fracture) mechanic appeared, and it was mega confusing to me…until I began to understand it a bit better…so, we wiped, and restarted, and eventually got to the first loot chests! Yippee! We’re done! 😁 No, we weren’t?! 😵‍💫 It just carried on and launched us into the next big mission / Dissent (?)…🤮 To cut it short, we battled on until we reached the 3-room fight above the closed elevator in the floor, just before the final ‘steps’ mini-mission in this overall Dissent mission…and it was just too much…we were overwhelmed whatever we tried…so, after hitting this brick wall, to orbit…😐 Conclusion: by including the Rank 8 Triumph, 6s and 7s are likely not going to achieve the Legend Seal. That’s a whole lot of LEGENDARY GUARDIANS - many of us have been here since way back, and the New Lights and potential future customers who currently play F2P, are being excluded from getting this thing done. 🧐 Good call, Bungle! 🤡 SMH 🙄 Ease Springs! 🫡

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        2 Respuestas
        • Editado por Dominator of Oats: 9/13/2024 1:42:31 AM
          I appreciate your post. The reddit community was praising final shape left and right, but I came to visit the forums and it was nearly the polar opposite which stunned me. I am convinced the final shape didn’t sell as well as Lightfall because Bungie actually pushed away the less sweaty player base. I get that the game is not hard enough for some small percentage of players but enforcing difficulty for the entire playerbase was a massive turn off and bungie followed up by boring people with too many mechanics in the story missions. I enjoyed the final shape and those mechanics, which is why I was stunned to see the negative feedback on the forums, but the customer is right. Even on normal it was too mechanic heavy for people and they felt that they couldn’t just enjoy Prism, the experience and have a good time. On top of everything else they put the class item into the wrong mission for it, requiring multiple players. If it was the sword or any other reward, and arguably, the sword is stronger as an exotic, it would have been a win. But they blocked paying customers from a key selling point for the expansion by requiring a mostly solo player game community to go find someone to do a mission together. Which has literally never worked in the past. Bungie has completely lost the plot and the last thing we need is developers thinking Dark Souls Equals Good. Only they and a small community of gamers believe that. Games used to be fun. Astrobot is fun. Destiny is sometimes fun but mostly obnoxious.

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          • Editado por Bore: 9/12/2024 2:24:05 PM
            They’re literally making a system that lets you pick your own difficulty… The cognitive dissonance required to make this post amazes me. Don’t like hard content? Then don’t make your activities hard.

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            12 Respuestas
            • I'm still trying to figure out why the devs keep making poor player experiences after all the complaints about doesn't work and what players actually want and liked about playing. While they ignore all feedback.

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              3 Respuestas
              • Dark Souls is actually really well balanced. It also gives you the ability to be completely invulnerable if you are gud. You don't have to hate yourself, you have to git gud. You can play literally any build you want to because as long as you can press B at the right moment, you can persevere. You need ONE SKILL. You don't need to hate yourself. You need to temper your greed.

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                • The only thing that Bungie is committed to is taking the FUN out of this game by nerfing everything. Bungie believes that by nerfing everything the game becomes more FUN and Challenging but it does not... it only creates frustrations. Nerfing everything and making guardians' in-game abilities weak is just poor game design. Nothing works in this game! Crest of alpha lupi is not generating orbs of power. Actually, my guardian is not generating orbs of power at all, even with mods. This is garbage because I believe this is being done on purpose to prolong grinding and stop progress on on the quests. This game never gets better, only frustrating and disappointing.

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                • At some point they lost the point Destiny was fun.

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                • When reading the 'Frontiers', they posted.. It's clear that they are doubling down on being tone deaf. A 'portal'is not going to make people like grinding for meaningless rewards. that will certainly get nerfed as soon as the game gets fun because of those items or methods. Still no mention of matchmaking options for some non-matchmaking activities.. The comment when they said 'ultimately its your game too'.. That says everything, really. They are making a game for them, and we get to play it. Not making a game for us to play and enjoy

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                • What do you need? I can maybe be able to do some stuff with you🙌 Let's play. Are you Pvp or pve mostly?

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                  • The challenging content was there if any of us wanted to partake in it. Grandmaster Nightfalls Master Raids Master Dungeons The list goes on. What we've got now is over tuned and a major sense of tediousness of the game. A shameless attempt to inflate playtime while also STILL drip feeding the content. If we wanna burn through it. That's on us. Nerfing what's popular isn't going to make the unpopular...popular. If it sucks. It sucks. (Well and Bubble being the exceptions.....they never should've been introduced at all). Bungie have had many golden chances to make the unpopular better but instead laid off their talents. I'm gonna be that guy an go a step further. I still think Dual Destiny was a stupid idea. I will eventually get it done. But having no alternative for the class items was a massive oversight. "But use LFG".......Sure once the community overall improves. That'll be easier to do. Bottom line the game isn't fun anymore. I honestly hoped for much to the people who did warn me. Congrats you told me so.

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                    • I've never actually heard or read Bungie saying they're making the game fun. Devs would never say that in general, it's a bad idea.

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                      23 Respuestas
                      • Great post 👏👏

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                      • Agreed, bumpity bump

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                      • Editado por Dooodley: 9/12/2024 3:13:34 PM
                        Yeah they seem to only listen to the likes of Datto. Now, I'm not even blaming Datto for expressing his opinion on it being too easy because he's even stating that he's looking for higher difficulty settings - and not general over-tuning - and is fully aware that he is not representing the majorty. But yeah, they sure have tuned it for less fun. I've been gone for most of D2 but whenever I need some direction and look up video walkthroughs it quickly becomes obvious how different the game was pre-TFS. Things they could lollygag through with crap weapons pre-TFS is now a tedious journey of min/maxing and bullet sponges. And I wouldnt even say that it's more challenging, just slower and boring - and with a power grind that's been rendered completely moot. 1945 content should feel different at 2025 than at 1945 but it just doesnt.

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                        • These days it looks like outright sabotage

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                          • Focus on pve, get rid of the dei and Pete. Those would go a long way towards bringing people back.

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                          • I agree with everything! I remember when the game was fun and interesting with the release of WQ!! They did interesting things back then and the game was easier, I literally went through gms one after another because it was fun and I experimented with different builds and started playing 2 other classes!! And I liked it when you can have fun with a new experience until people started complaining that it's too easy and we're so strong that you can spam abilities and everything gets destroyed in seconds in a game about space and super abilities 🤦🏻‍♂️ Even the raid was good in terms of difficulty and progression, in my opinion it's the best in the game!! But then everything changed and you see the result!! And where are these streamers who said they love this game and what's happening to it and that it's not difficult enough!! Where are they? They are trying to make money on other projects, but the views are so small and people are not interested, and they are trying to force themselves to come back but they can't play for long like before because it's boring, tedious and stupid!!! But how can they get everything and release a video with new exotic things? That they don't have enough time and energy for this routine to get them all? Oh, what's wrong? You used to play for 10 hours and now 3-4 maximum!! And what about us, ordinary players? You are just a bunch of people who look down on everyone for the sake of their own goals!! They literally destroyed this game with their requests for nerfs and videos where you can cheat to get something easier, after which it was immediately removed from the game!! !let's just wait and see the long miserable death of the franchise and the company!! i'm really glad that there are companies and projects that go against the likes of bungo ign sweetbb, the future belongs to projects like Wukong, Stellarblade, The First Descendant!! let's just wait because it's already started!!!

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                            • Ib4 the the regulars try to tell you that you are wrong. It's boring because the developer is boring, and it's fair to say as a developer they literally don't know what they are doing. The game is so unbelievable unbalanced in every aspect. IMO Sony should have gotten rid of upper management the day they bought this company. The wrong people were fired.

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                              9 Respuestas
                              • [quote]Destiny 2 has turned into Dark Souls where you have to actively hate yourself in order to want to play it.[/quote] There's something on to it.

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                              • They do this since it's fun for the remaining devs to give a middle finger salute to the players and Bungle management. Spiteful

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                              • 6
                                You don't have a channel and 100k subscribers so bungie could care less about what you have to say. Bungie has to listen to them because if they dont they get flamed jn a 30 minute doomer video that gets 1m views. So who are they going to listen to?

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