You mention how you're committed to Destiny and trying to keep it fun, but you keep tuning the game specifically for a very loud minority of players who have challenge mode b*ners, you nerf popular abilities in PvE and put an over emphasis on build crafting and damage rotations, which aren't fun.
Meanwhile, the grinds are getting longer and the storytelling is getting worse. Both the protagonist and antagonist of this season is a gay person with a gay robot lover (yeah the antagonist has killed hundreds of hers but still, it's the same thing). If anyone says that it's a dumb soap opera storyline, they're slammed for hating gay people. Bruh, even the gay people I play with don't like the story or how gay people are being presented here.
New content is overtuned and not fun to do, which is why hardly anyone is actually doing it. People are leaving in droves to go play games that are actually fun because Destiny 2 has turned into Dark Souls where you have to actively hate yourself in order to want to play it.
Don't use the word "fun", cuz y'all have lost the plot that large groups of people have different interests when it comes to gaming for fun and you're literally only catering to one of those groups and it's alienating everyone else.
The only things you're dedicated to are capitulating to your streamers and most hardcore players, none of whom want or need LFG systems because they all play in their own little groups that are totally isolated from the rest of the player base and so they both don't know or care what everybody else wanted.
And because they're entertainers and not video game developers, even they're not playing the game as much as many streamers have left the game to play other stuff now that they got what they wanted and found that it sucks.
Can't be a streamer for a game if no one plays the game, a lesson they didn't learn when they were asking for the game to be a dark souls shooter clone, and now they left because they can't make money off of their own ideas.
If you want the game to be fun and for people to not leave, you're gonna have to detune some of this crap and make it more chill and fun to do, otherwise you're gonna end up with a few thousand players logging on everyday whining that there's nothing to do and no one to do it with.
Your game is dying in real time, and you can stop it. Make the game fun again.
When reading the 'Frontiers', they posted.. It's clear that they are doubling down on being tone deaf. A 'portal'is not going to make people like grinding for meaningless rewards. that will certainly get nerfed as soon as the game gets fun because of those items or methods. Still no mention of matchmaking options for some non-matchmaking activities.. The comment when they said 'ultimately its your game too'.. That says everything, really. They are making a game for them, and we get to play it. Not making a game for us to play and enjoy