Shattered throne. Shattered throne needs to has its own unique loot, the fact that it shares the same loot as the planet is just unacceptable. It is even stranger that they did not give it a different loot pool when they changed the perk pool of the Dreaming city.
Altars of sorrow. Whilst Altars of sorrow does have its own loot pool, it is just laughably bad.
3 different weapons with bad to mediocre perks, It needs a complete perk overhaul and perhaps 1-2 more weapons.
This one is easy to fix, just put back the perks that you removed when you un-sunsetted the weapons.
Pit of heresy. Once again another dungeon that shares the same loot pool as the planet, Yes it does have 1 unique weapon but that is the issue. 1 single weapon is obviously not acceptable. It also doesn't help that it was nerfed with the perk change to all of the moon weapons.
Europa. The weapons of Europa just needs a perk overhaul, not much more to say.
Throne world. Just like Europa, all it needs is a perk lift.
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