Clan Angels of Death is looking for new members, New light an Veteran alike! a little background for us, weve been around since 1999 and cover a multitude of games, not just destiny. those games include Battlefield, Call of Duty, Delta Force, Destiny 2, Helldivers, New World, Once Human, Planetside 2, War Thunder, and World of Warships, with new game divisions always in the works.
as far as our Destiny division is concerns, here is what we offer.
a dedicated Pathfinders team specializing in all aspects of the game. be it buildcrafting, raids/dungeons, pvp, gambit, or exotic quests/ legendary campaigns.
a military ranking structure, Ie you start as a recruit, an work your way up the ranks with activity, being social, playing in game with us, and so much more!
if youd like to learn more, please check out our dedicated forums website, and feel free to join our discord to speak directly to one of our officers/members, an see if wed be a good fit for you! our discord is
with all that being said, with the launch of Heresy a few days away, our activity levels will be sky high and will always be willing to help an play at all times of the day.
clan is multi platform (PC, XB, PS)
clan is Internationally based. we have members all over the world from the US to Europe, an everywhere in between! so feel free to check us out! and hope to see some new faces soon!
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