Then why are humans so inherently evil? Everyone lies, everyone curses, everyone has done something against "gods will" at some point. Unless of course by image it means strictly physically. Honestly it sounds more like we were made by the devil to mock god or something than in his image.
Not challenging christianity or anything like that, just curious.
Evil is the absence of good. God is good. Humans have the free will to leave God's presence. That is why man has fallen into evil.
Isn't it obvious after looking around? God is an evil bastard.
I can make a picture in the image of Mona Lisa, but it wouldn't be nearly as good as the original.
God is a sinner.
Editado por Steel Assassin: 2/26/2013 7:34:26 PMI don't believe in the literal meaning, that God has a corporeal form and we represent his physical image. I'm pretty sure that most if not all ancient philosophers believed this. At the very least, St. Augustine seemed to. In any case, the idea "we are made in his image" implies that we are not God, only similar in aspects. We are a lesser being given some aspects of God, or a god. Evil, by some's definition, is the absence of good, rather than being an entity itself. Therefore, our "inherent evil" would be a result from parts of us that are not good, or godlike. Or if you want to look at it this way, part of life is growth and understanding. Since doing that is "good," and we are absent of that in birth, then we are absent of that good in the beginning. Being absent of good is evil, thus making us by that definition inherently evil in birth.
Editado por halo: 2/26/2013 7:34:51 PMBecause free will.
Editado por To Infinity: 2/26/2013 7:26:41 PMIt's called the Devil son, he is the embodiment of all evil. Every human was born into sin after Adam and Eve. That's the whole point of the Bible is that Jesus died for your sins.
If God made us in his image, then why aren't we invisible too?
Editado por abelsinh: 2/26/2013 6:59:11 PMCan't you see the irony in your own post, OP?
Then he would not have created Bilbo Baggins.
I'll put my view here. If man is in gods image then he is both male and female which makes him the ugliest, most handsome/beautiful bastard to ever exist and is LGBT so he loves quite literally everybody. So hating any of those things means you hate god, deal with it religion.
Being made in God's image means that we possess freedom (at least to an extent) to make decisions on what we want to do; either to practice evil or to practice good.
Is god a transsexual?
That is logically explained in the Bible. Man was given free will, and is tempted to sin by a rebel angel. What I always wonder is why God would have given us an appendix, tail bone, or wisdom teeth. Did God have useless body parts that he gave us as well? Makes more sense to me that those would be evolutionary remnants, rather than the created image of perfect being.
We need to take a break from religious discussions for a while.
If god made us in his image... then why is OP still a huge phaggot? Not challenging phaggotiry or anything like that, just curious.
Just because you make something in your image doesn't mean i'll be exactly like you [url][/url]
Oh man, when will this shit ever end?
Editado por Nescio: 2/25/2013 1:00:58 PMI assume that Christians believe that evil exists because Lucifer convinced Adam and Eve to eat the forbidden fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Here are some alternatives: Pastafarianism: Because the FSM was drunk when he created everything. Greek mythology: [url=]Pandora opened a box. [/url] Shinto: Evil spirits that are attracted by acts of impurity.
Maybe God is an overweight man who curses profusely and watches tv all day.