publicado originalmente en:Secular Sevens
[quote]Dr. Deborah Persaud of Johns Hopkins University today described the first documented case of a child being cured of HIV. The landmark findings were announced at the 2013 Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections in Atlanta, GA.[/quote]So, it looks as though HIV can now be cured in infants. Chalk up another victory on the board for medical science.
Hmmm...we haven't had a Pope for almost a week, and we've already cured AIDS? Coincidence?
Well not "cured" as in everyone who has it can get the virus wiped clean from their bodies. It only works on newborn infants within days of birth.
Apparently alligator blood can be used to cure HIV/AIDS.
Looks like the good lord saved this baby from a truly terrible affliction.
Take that, STDs!
I say this yesterday. Truly an amazing break through. Seriously, the scientific community has achieved a lot since January. I can't wait to see what the rest of the year holds.
So, could this method be generalized to work on anybody?
When I was a kid, people thought that you could get AIDS from a swimming pool, well, the stupid people at least. And we have no shortage of stupid people in this country.
heard about that on the radio.
What an encouraging story, truly. This is why you provide funding for scientific research. I'm very interested to see how this child's immune system will develop. I certainly hope that this test for HIV after the retroviral treatment was exhaustive. It would be quite unfortunate if it was a false negative.
As a religious person, all I see is the power of prayer working.
[quote]The only other documented case of an HIV cure to date remains that of Timothy Brown, the so-called "Berlin patient." In 2006, while on treatment for HIV, Mr. Brown was diagnosed with leukemia. His physician was able to treat his leukemia with a stem-cell transplant from a person who was born with a genetic mutation causing immunity to HIV infection. Following the transplant, Mr. Brown was able to stop HIV treatment without experiencing a return of his HIV disease.[/quote]why the fuck aren't we doing this, or at least growing the gene in bacteria
Great step in the right direction
Hmm, nice development. However not so much a 'cure' in the conventional sense, still a great leap forward.
I read this earlier today! Pretty amazing.
well no more need for condoms.
the BBC had a guy on who said we shouldn't get our hopes up too much since a while ago someone else was cured and there haven't been any significant medical breakthroughs since then.
Great news.
*Gasp* [B]RIC![/B]
[quote]So, it looks as though HIV has been cured.[/quote] All we have to do now is catch it at birth, but that's a minor detail...
That's amazing.