Before you start your car each time you have to submit to an automated breathalyzer. If it detects alcohol in your breath your car will not start.
A car is a very dangerous mult-ton object capable of traveling upwards of 100 miles per hour. The energy transferred in a collision is immense. Ten Thousand people were killed last year in car crashes with drunk drivers.
We already put breathalyzers on some cars owned by frequent drunk drivers, but why not extend it to every and make it a mandatory requirement like seat belts and air bags. It is very much a safety feature and will end up saving lives.
It would be a retroactive law, so every vehicle in American will be required to install one of these safety features. Of course it would not be cheap, but the government could issue a voucher for all but 50 dollars of the cost of the installation.
Driving is a privileged, a very dangerous one, shouldn't we take all the steps to make it even safer?
Editado por Decimator Omega: 3/25/2013 8:17:59 PMI rather have adults be responsible and not drink and drive then have to deal with this shit.
small amounts of alcohol are in more things than you would believe, and anyways, even minors are allowed to have .02% i believe.
I do not like the trend of "collective presumption of guilt due to the illegal actions of others in the past" that appears to be the current method or thought behind "preventing tragedies". I will not be held accountable or responsible for the criminal or negligent acts of others. Even if they are the same color as I, same age, same sex, and used the same tools to commit their crimes. They are responsible for their own actions, their own choices and their misdeeds. To label me as "a potential offender" because I have something in common with that person, is a cheap and easy way out and it almost "excuses" those who commit crimes by blaming their tool, their gender, their skin color, their income level, their parents, or anything other than them and their own free will.
No. For reference: mouth wash will set off a breathalyzer.
what if it malfunctions? Car can't start, late to work, then have to pay someone to come fix it/buy a new one/tow it to the repair man. As others have said have someone else blow into it. Also, what if you use mouth wash with alcohol in it? What if someone tech savy finds away to easily disable it or bypass it? There are lots of problems that create a hassle for the average person. And as recon said you are judging everybody because some knuckle head drove home drunk.
Any alcohol at all? So I couldn't go anywhere and have even one drink? Sounds ridiculous.
I spit out my mouthwash right before I get in the car, and I don't use that alcohol free crap. I wouldn't agree with it. And I know why you made this thread. The two things are similar, but not equivalent. You're not going to change anyone's opinions with this thread.
Editado por GHOST270: 3/25/2013 5:29:45 PMNo. Too expensive, and too easy to beat. All you'd have to do is pay some guy $5 to blow for you and you'd be all set to drive and kill little Tommy down the road while he's playing kickball. Also, pretty much everything on Recon's post. EDIT: [quote]Driving is a privileged, a very dangerous one, shouldn't we take all the steps to make it even safer?[/quote] Sounds like the 'protect the children!!!" argument the anti-gunners keep using. Penalizing those who do no wrong for the minority few that do.
I think that's a great idea. There is no good reason not to have one.
People would just have their sober friend blow in it for them.
That's a terrible idea. How the hell am I supposed to get to work if I can't pass a breathalyzer?
Because they certainly couldn't be circumvented.
Editado por Stanky: 3/25/2013 5:54:44 PMYes. Like you said the cost wouldn't be nice. But it would help save lives. Edit: didn't think of the malfunction thing. And no. Cars and guns are not the same.
I'll run out of air if that was in my car.