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It'd be absolutely spectacular for Destiny to give us an experience unlike any we've ever seen before. If Bungie added abiotic marriage, they'd open the game up to a whole new demographic of people. Imagine walking around with your favorite piece of STAINLESS STEEL hand in hand. Imagine taking a Mass Effect style "Romance" approach.
"Hey there."
"We'll bang OK?"
It'd give such great buildup and emotional attachment. It's going to need it if Destiny wants to compete with Call of Duty's dog. Traveling the stars with your sexy inanimate partner would be the most excellent addition to a Bungie game ever.
"Go -blam!- a cactus." "Don't talk about my wife like that!"
[b] [/b]
With the recent Exo screenie from the last update are you more inclined to accept abiotic romance? Please share your thoughts.
10/10 Nice work, Godzilla.
I'm going to need you to watch this video.
My wife will be my rifle
Marrying a female gamer? Let's hope it's not a gay....
Not even going to bother reading this
This theme is played out. Get some new material.
[quote]"We'll bang OK?"[/quote] Yup, that line gets them everytime.
Funny thread, I'll give it that much.
If that happens, there better be 'battle tits'
More than likely not going to happen.
Ahh!!! there's somthing on your face! *smack* IT'S PAIN!
So, any updates if this will be implemented? It should be in the next sack.
We'll bang OK?
We'll bang OK?
Leave it out.
What does Abiotic mean?
Best thread ever
Lol at all the 12 year olds ITT
What like a robot wife for me? Like I've always wanted an emotionless, cold, unloving, piece of machinery to love. That definitely fill the gaping "hell mouth" in my heart :'( I hope you see where I'm going with this, given that we are talking about the same thing.
Only if you can marry two of them. I'm sick of the polygamy discrimination in video games. I mean, in Skyrim you had to murder your partner to remarry.