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Editado por Ilogical Logic: 7/5/2013 12:59:42 AM
Ha abierto un tema nuevo: can master chief defeat anyone with super powers?(25 Respuestas))
I see John is winning. Just like old times.
Master chief is a master in hand-to-hand combat and a tactical genius who genetically altered to be the strongest human alive, not to mention he was trained since he was six. Tony stark is a rich guy with lasers and super suit. Master chiefs suit also has an energy shield based on alien technology, whereas Tony Starks suit has no shields, just metal plating.
Editado por RogueSPARTAN264: 7/4/2013 11:35:04 PMEveryone has no faith in master chief anymore. Must be because he hasn't been a badass lately!
Everyone forgets Chief has a Power Drainer. Why?
Looks like we already have a Chief troll.
I was the one who voted Chief.
I'd ask which suit Iron Man has, but hell, he'd kick John's ass with his original built-in-a-cave-with-a-box-of-scraps suit.
Editado por Madman Mordo: 7/4/2013 5:02:03 PMIM's suit is leagues ahead of Chief's. BTU CH33F IS FRUM TEH FUTRE!! Doesn't matter. Iron Man can tank nukes at 2% shielding and has fought Hulk and Thor. Go cry about it Halo tards