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3/27/2014 4:05:07 AM

Dream thread!

I tend to do this every now and then to see what's rattling around in everyone's subconscious. What dreams have you had lately? Were they good? Bad? Do you feel they might've represented anything either present in your thoughts or things going on in your life currently? Feel free to share, I just like hearing about the dreams of others. I don't remember all of my dreams, but I can distinctly remember parts of two different dreams I had lately. One occurred a couple nights ago. I was trapped in some kind of facility beneath a glass floor, the portion that I was in being filled with water. Nobody could here me banging on the glass to release me or either ignoring me altogether. Eventually I broke out myself, but only after nearly drowning. The other part of the dream I remember was a body out in the open ocean, only the water was pitch black and impossible to see into. A shark was on its side, half out of the water and half in, jaws chomping away. A naked, featureless body floated closer and closer to it, and ended up being split right down the middle. It wasn't mine, but I had some control over it. I couldn't get it out of the way or to either side of the shark, though. The second one was just last night, and much simpler. I was running around an abandoned house trying to avoid some kind of demonic woman who was trying to possess my body. It ended in the basement. I had nowhere left to run, but managed to push her away and into a rickety wooden support column. It gave and a portion of the ceiling caved in and crushed her. I don't recall why, but I vividly remember picking up some kind of tool and removing one of her eyes from the socket and keeping it as I woke myself up from the dream.

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  • Oh, I kinda had a, uh, weird, nightmare, I guess? Anyways, I was in my backyard, but I was Geoff from AH and in third person. I was being chased down, and the only "weapon" I had was my iPod and in order to use it, I had to use my flashlight function, which takes time to activate. Anyways, I was forced to sit down, and I was almost executed. I took out my iPod, spent a long time trying to activate the flashlight, and I flashed it on the guy, but that didn't stop him. He shot me in the head, but I survived, and flashed him again with the iPod, but to no avail, I was shot again, this time, I guess dying. Some time after, I guess, I reappear in the backyard, but now I'm a kangaroo. I was hopping towards the inside of my house. Suddenly, there was this extremely morbid and scary "Patrick" face (from Spongebob) and I luckily jumped up and grabbed onto the overhead thingy. (I have a patio, so there was like an overhang thingy there) I got down, and entered my house, I guess. For some reason, I'm a human again, and I get the urge to throw my iPod onto the table. I hear a gunshot with "You're slamming it again?!" and the guy was coming from the hallway. I quickly jump and run towards the backyard. After that, I guess it ended or I don't remember anything. Anyways, I don't even know if that was supposed to be a nightmare, or...

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  • Just posting pieces from another two dreams I had the other night. I may choose to use this as a dream journal, I encourage anyone else who's interested to do so as well. The first dream was me in a hospital in California, I was there for my last living grandparent who was dying from some medical condition. I woke up shortly after leaving the room. The other one was that I had to track and kill a purple cat who was using illusions to kill people. I managed to gather the copies it had and found the original. I strangled it to death, and then woke up.

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  • A few years ago I dreamed that I was a power ranger with all the other power rangers fighting pirates on an island. Another one that was more recent was that I was in an area that resembled a level from Mass Effect 2, it was a zombie outbreak and I was with a gay skeleton dinosaur, and I can't remember who but it was a famous black actor.

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  • I had one shirt one I can remember from last night.... So all I remember was that I was at home and it was like Christmas time and my family is all sitting around the tree and my mom's like "We got you Watchdogs.............. On Xbox one!" And I flip shit cause I have a PS4. (I really want Watch Dogs. A lot.) And she's like "Well whatever what does the console matter?" No idea what it means. Probably just tired of waiting for watch dogs..... :/ *Sips Maple Syrup*

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  • 1
    I had a dream a few days back where I was walking down the road into town. As I got past the roundabout at the top of the hill and started to walk down into the town, there was an awful sight... two badgers had been run down and killed by the traffic. There was a baby badger hiding in the hedgerow nearby and another one trying to wake up the dead badgers. In a blind act of fury, I charged head on into the oncoming traffic and smashed the car apart. (Dream physics and logic, rivals that of DICE logic.) I then picked up one of the badgers and carried it down into the town towards the vets, flipping off the traffic and kicking cars that got close to me. I got to the vets and put the badger down, the vet wanted to immediately euthanise him so I... well the vet died horribly... then a new vet appeared who insisted on helping me look after the badgers. I then walked back up the hill towards where the baby badger was hiding with a pet carrying crate and shoved my way through the pedestrians. I got to the top of the hill and picked up the baby badger, then as I was carrying it down the hill towards the vets I saw a 4x4 pull up. In the front of the grille was... badger remains. I put the little cub down and walked over to the truck, pulled the guy out of the vehicle and ripped his throat open with my teeth. As he was screaming and gurgling on the floor, I went and got the cub and carried it down to the vets and reunited it with the mother. Then I started to walk across the bridge when I woke up because my brother was playing Battlefield on the Xbox. It's not a complex dream to work out the reasons and details. I'd seen a badger dead by the side of the road a few days ago and as usual it made my blood boil, As a rule of thumb if I ever saw someone kill an animal with their car I would happily murder them horrifically. Even in an accident. (Yes I'm an unhinged bastard, this is not news to me. I guess I'm just lucky to be borderline crippled with joint pain, otherwise I probably would have cried havoc by now.) The town is the one I live near, an easy memory setting for it to take place. Tearing a guy's throat out with my teeth, stopping a car with a charge and kicking traffic into walls is all stuff I would love to be able to do. I -blam!-ing hate cars. Reuniting a mother and child? That's an easy one as well. My mother is a bitch, I'm glad she's gone but I do miss her now and then. Oh the joys of sleep deprivation and medication, it makes it so much easier to talk about shit like this :D

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  • For some reason, they all have at least 1 topless woman in them... Thats ok with me.

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    1 Respuesta
    • Editado por TBlocks: 3/27/2014 4:09:23 AM
      I love these threads! [spoiler]I will post some after tonight perhaps... Can't remember any :/[/spoiler] *Sips Maple Syrup*

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      2 Respuestas
      • It feels like I don't have dreams anymore. Been that way for a while now.

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