Edit: Never mind, I literally just found the answer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmXLTzTIOd8 @ 12:10
So, I plan on using this monitor with my PC. The added resolution will be like playing with dual-monitors, minus the border between monitors AND the super-beefy GPU necessary to carry such a resolution.
My only question would pertain to playing my current consoles on that screen. I doubt the PS4 or the One could handle the 2560 resolution, so their predecessors DEFINITELY won't.
So, when I [i]do[/i] play my consoles on it, will there be black lines on the side, to cover up the leftover area? Any help and would be greatly appreciated.
Editado por WombRaider: 5/24/2014 10:50:17 PMHow much is that monitor gonna cost you?
Neither the Xbox One nor PS4 support 21:9, so yeah you'll be seeing the black bars.
I want one of those... OT: It probably would but you could always resize the screen in the settings for whatever game your playing. Hopefully, it will fit but it might look a bit stretched.
Your doing it all wrong, m8