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5/29/2014 6:25:24 PM

What can we do about mental health in America?

A person can walk into a gun store, he appears to be normal, he strikes up a conversation with the shop owner. The Shop owner has no idea if he has a mental illness or not. A week later the gun is used in a shooting. This is not about the gun or where to get a gun, it's about it being very hard to tell whether someone is disturbed enough to be homicidal. Like that Elliot Rogers kid who suddenly snapped, who knows how long he was bottling up those emotions. I don't think mental health clinics or whatever they are called are doing enough. What do you think can be done about this?

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  • I don't know stop spending money on other countries and instead spend money on more roller coasters. You can't be angry if you have to take the Viper to work or school.

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  • Background checks. Submit to a mental checkup by an authorized professional. Training in how to handle a firearm, clean a firearm, and to safely keep it away from other people. Registration of the gun owner and the firearm that they're buying to provide some sort of responsibility and liability. Right now, I can go to the gun store in this town, and buy myself a rifle, a pistol, or even a shotgun without any mental checkup. All I need to do is show that I've had training in how to shoot a gun, that's it. Really, it's that lax. All I need is money and I can buy myself any gun I want without any registration, or to see if I'm mentally fit to own a gun.

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  • I feel like there should be a gun license test much like a driving test. It should be a quick evaluation done by your doctor, the doc says whether or not the patient is mental or not, the papers are then given to the government for evaluation when taking the gun exam. If you pass, you can buy a gun, if you don't no gun.

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  • They need hug

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  • 1. The media needs to stop treating murderers like rockstars. 2. All people should have the right to at least a diagnostic appointment with a psychiatrist to set up a solid national mental-health database for gun screening, along with preliminary screening for insurance and further care. 3. People need to stop avoiding care when it's actually being offered.

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    1 Respuesta
    • 3
      'Free' (At the point of access) mental healthcare services, countrywide and they can be funded by whichever means would cause the least foaming at the mouth from the right wingers. National database for those being treated that is then used to correlate for gun purchases - this would cause most right wing nutjobs to shit themselves with rage at the government intruding in their lives. Whilst someone is being treated, restrict access to firearms - Make it a non-criminal offence. The police can confiscate the guns, hold them for safekeeping until the person is deemed well enough to own them again by the shrinks, No fines and no jail time. If this doesn't cause several aneurysms in the anti-government folks then I don't know what will. Anyways. Clamp the mother-blam!-ing hell down on the media reporting shootings, it's not waa freedom of teh press it's shouting fire in a crowded theatre. Same reason that reporting on suicides isn't widespread and subjected to ridiculous media scrutiny like Adam Lanza was, emulators. You stop planting the ideas in their heads and making the shooters out to be some anti-hero. Nobody should be able to remember their names after they start shooting, apart from those directly affected. This might kerb some of the shootings in Amurika, but of course this will just get trashed by people screaming about big gubermunt intruding in their lives.

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      7 Respuestas
      • You can't profile a mental illness. The person has to go to a health professional first and get diagnosed based on what info they give away. Unless they are extremely ill, you can't just look at people and say "your minds -blam!-ed up, take these pills." And once those people are diagnosed, they get help. If they want it.

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      • The problem is insurance companies. I am currently trying to get insurance, but I do not have a job. Even if I get a job, and it is part-time, I still cannot get insurance. is fu­cking useless. Oh, you want to sign up for health insurance but it is a certain time of the year? Well fu­ck you then, you can wait and suffer with anything you need help with. Currency is a tool of greed used to make the lives of other people miserable. Fu­ck human society.

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        8 Respuestas
        • Well if we are specifically talking about guns, we could make it so that someone has to visit a certified clinician to get checked out? If we have resources, could do a more extensive background check, (similar to gain security clearance) but that would be a little expensive. Then again, more jobs may help the economy?

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        • No idea. I mean I guess we can blame a whole bunch of things, but in the end it comes down to awareness. Did other people know that this person was unstable, was outside help sought out, and was there a history of previous actions that led to the violent event. I would think that in many of these cases, there are plenty of warning signs before something happens, red flags that pop up which friends and family notice and either choose to do something or ignore it completely. Perhaps we should try talking about mental issues to children when they're young, so that if they start experiencing those issues, they can have an easier time talking about it rather than hiding it from the world and not getting help, sometimes leading to them acting out in a violent manner. I guess I think that early intervention is the best way to solve the problem, even though there will still be those individuals who continue to hide their issues until they reach adulthood, at least we will be discussing the problems out in the open rather than brushing them under the rug.

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        • Kill them all.

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        • Cut military spending, shift it to healthcare.

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        • We could actually have some form of funding for mental health clinics and asylums and stuff like that, I think it was in California where this asylum ran out of money so what they did was they put all the mentally ill people on a bus and drove them to another state and just left them at a bus stop.

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        • Publicly fund it and make it more accessible for a start.

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        • Terminate.

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        • [quote]This is not about the gun or where to get a gun[/quote] That's exactly what it's -blam!-ing about

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        • ITS OBAMA YOU -blam!-

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