Regardless of where you stand, eSports is a profitable industry these days. The DOTA 2 international is irrefutable proof of that, as is CoD being played at the X Games (which i think is a travesty, but thats for another time). So where does Destiny come into this?
At the moment i cannot see Destiny being a true competitive game. Halo 3 had (in my opinion) a perfect formula for MLG. A relatively small weapon selection, standard weapon starts, no weapon customisation, no special abilities unless you fought for them on the map, and power weapons that could change the course of a match. Destiny throws all of this out the window. Gone are the days where we can assess an opponent at a glance, and act accordingly. Now there are far too many variables thrown into play. The weapons may be balanced for PvP (Iron banner excluded), but who knows what abilities the enemy holds? or the RoF of their weapon? Or whether their weapon does more damage in the second half of the magazine? I could go on and on.
I don't consider myself a professional, or even a good player, but i recognise the importance of proper competitive modes. Maybe not necessarily MLG, but something with standardised starts where you can actually get an idea of what you're going up against. Of course i don't want all of the game modes in Destiny to be like this, i appreciate the direction Bungie is going in, but there is a reason the past Halo games were so successful many many years after their release, and i think their competitive multiplayer played a key part in that.
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