Why do guys love to play games with Female Gamers. And then put them down, and talk nasty BS to them. If they don't like them or want to play with them anymore????Please help me understand that, I have some of the best female gamer as friend. I read a lot of post and chicks only want to play with other chick because it's to many D$%^& out there gaming now...
I just think it's cool that girls game. Shows a competitive side to them I rarely see.
Editado por Crazypug: 8/19/2014 3:38:07 AMReal life?? Ive never heard of that server Girls are human just like you. They poop they eat and do a lot of the same things you do. Equality!! Equality!! Equality!!
Cuz we get to pwn them and teabag since they suck.
I don't give a damn who I'm playing with. Freaking Obama could be on my squad and I'll team kill him if it's worth a laugh
Dat grammar
Editado por Green Twister: 8/17/2014 12:44:57 PMBecause you are a awkward horny man? lol i am not a girl btw.
What's a Famale gamer?
The Beta is strong with this one.
Editado por dead man: 8/17/2014 9:26:33 PMI enjoy playing with anybody as long as they're not a jerk but i can't for the life of me figure out why its so difficult for others. Apparently there's a ton of women who play video games but they hide behind male avatars to avoid abuse. That's sad when people can't have fun just because of their gender. There's actually a website called fatuglyorslutty.com where women post pics and share stories about the way they're mistreated. My favorite story is about the guy who kept walking into one players grenades just so he could kick her.
Well let's see... While playing the beta, minding my own business, a guy followed me for twenty minutes and kept trying to "hump" me. Regretfully I had my head set on and he started talking to me. It got real nasty, real fast... Even though I never said a single word. And things like that happen on a daily basis to female gamers, and I played LoL for years which has the nastiest community when it comes to pervs. But don't get me wrong. I hate playing with other female gamers. I deal with the pervs because there are a lot of decent guys out there that don't perv out around a girl.
[quote]Why do guys love to play games with Female Gamers. And then put them down, and talk nasty BS to them. [/quote]How are those two things somehow contradictory?
I love playing with Famale gamers.
Editado por Jimmies: 8/17/2014 5:33:21 PMHitler was a bad man. Baby animals are wonderful.
I don't care who I play with
Tamale gamers?
I don't do any of that sooo...
Guys trash talk other guys as well, women just need to grow a -blam!-ing backbone.
Cos they are like pearlescents, and should be treated as such..... Some of them anyway <_< >_>
Gender doesn't factor in to who I play with.
I don't know. Three of my XBL friends are female though one doesn't own the mic, the other deleted me and the third one rarely comes online other than to use Netflix...
Dat ass dough
We men day dream the day when the gamer girl rides us while we play our video game.. Duh
I like to play with any one but girl gamers that I know personally are cool cuz I get to flirt with them lol and there not all that annoying sometimes
Guys in gaming. >Trash Talk >Try Hards >Rude