publicado originalmente en:iHunger
So, we've almost got enough members to have two full raid groups. Maybe it'll take us all a while to get to the point where we're all level-ready for the Vault, but when we get there, I want us ready to kick some buttoire.
That said, my guess is that the best makeup for a raid team is two of each class, with each member of those pairs picking a separate subclass. But who knows, maybe there will be various viable group builds.
To the point: what do you plan on rolling, character-wise, to raid with first? Are you willing to change your mind if someone else already has/plans to have that particular build?
I want iHunger to HardMode this ish as quick as possible. Strategy can be discussed later, the architecture needs to be there first.
I'll probably end up using the hunter's other subclass which I assume is the badass knife wielding character I've seen in some gameplay trailers.