publicado originalmente en:The Crimson Moons
Hello Guardians,
The day we have all been waiting for is finally here. Lets share our day one experiences with each other by posting pics, videos, links and whatever else you can think of.
"It doesn't matter who you are, only what you will become."
i got it at midnight and played the tutorial level and then the first level. Then i went to sleep and then work. After i came home i played from like 5:30-12 hahaha.
I was so tired from being up all day that I installed it and just went to bed. Played for 11 hours or so after I woke up though LOL
Be sure to check out the latest patch info. Patch 1.0.1
Put this in #Destiny. #Gaming is for other games.
Put this in #Destiny. #Gaming is for other games.