publicado originalmente en:Sociopaths United
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So about an hour ago I heard him singing [url=]this audio feces.[/url] He also likes Nickleback and christian rock.
I'm beginning to lose hope for him. Every time I try to show the kid real rock, or even decent rap, he dismisses it or refuses to listen. I tried to play Tupac, and he thought Tupac didn't have enough swag. I played Queens of the Stone Age, and he told me it was too creepy. I played Queen, and he said "What are these guys, gay?". Even Zeppelin sounded too "old timey" for the guy. LED FREAKING ZEPPELIN. I tried to get him to listen to Black Sabbath's Paranoid album and he just asked if I was a satanist or something, then told me "I can lose a brother, but god doesn't want to lose a sheep."
He's 13.
How do I save this kid?